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Dear Diary,
Oh how I love Halloween! The candy and the fun costumes! But let's talk about school, ugh. So thankfully I had makeup to cover up what happened, not to mention the cheerleaders started to pick on me again, but this time... they leave threats in my locker. I know this sounds bad, but I haven't told the football team about what the cheerleaders do to me. I mean what can you do? Expel the ENTIRE cheerleading team? So at school we have a halloween dance, the entire team is excited. I'm not sure as of what to go as, but I'm thinking of something like Deadpool or something cute. Anyway a few of they guys are giving me weird looks again, but that only happens when they have a problem; whatever that's supposed to mean! I know what you're thinking...don't people judge you on your speech impediment? Actually not really, the exciting news is that the professor is working on fixing my voice. But it might not happen until a week before the dance. At least I'll have a real voice! Anyway the professor has been drinking more whiskey than preferred, but thankfully he is asleep when I get home and that he is in his office when I leave.
-Mikey Phight

The Diary of Mikey Phight: My Periodic PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now