I Don't Care!!!

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Hi guys!!

I received yet an other amazing cover from _words_of_a_woman_ for the prompt 'beautiful beast'. Her covers are just so damn great!! Do check out her profile and participate.

Thanks 😘

Starlight twinkled across the stygian blankness that swept across the sky. It's beautiful! The gentle night breeze bristled my hair, making it sway slowly along its motion. I reached out an arm from under my head wondering how far it truly is from my grasp. Very far! The million dots seemed to be calling out to me to go join them. And I'm enchanted. I wanted to have one of them. One of the many people gaze at eveyday. And I finally found one, right here. My hands moved to my heart as I remembered her face.

It was a night like this, an year ago, when I first saw her- Pale as the moon, with cherry red lips, crystal green eyes, shadowy black hair, small pug nose and half round ears; a mystical sight. And the most beautiful!

She was sitting, close to the river bank. My legs had moved according to their own accord, a step, each one, closer to where she sat. My arms were numb, my head was numb and my mind was numb. The only moving thing were my legs that I had no control on. With each passing step closer to her, voices whispered in my ear.

"Turn back!"

"Go away!"

"It's dangerous!"

"Run as fast as you can!"

"Get away, Romeo!"

My ears had become deaf after that last voice. I don't know if my ears went deaf or the voices had stopped. But my legs, however, hadn't stopped. They kept moving until I was a just a step behind her. My mouth willed itself.

"Excuse me Miss?"

For a moment I had thought she didn't hear me. She was still, unmoving. As I opened my mouth again to repeat it, she turned around, her crystal green eyes staring right into me. My breath had caught in my throat. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She stared at me for a while, before cocking her head to the side.

"You shouldn't be out here alone this time of the night."

It was almost midnight that day.

"I live here," she spoke. Her voice was gentle, laced with sorrow. My heart melted at her voice.

"What do you mean?"

She turned her head away from me, watching what she had been, before I interrupted her.

"I don't have a home like you humans do. I live here, out in the open. In the forest."

"You are not human?" I spoke, my voice calm and curious.

For a fact, I wasn't startled or scared to tits that day. I had sat beside her, dragging my knees to my chest. She had looked at me for a while before completely turning away.

"No, I'm not."

"What are you then?"

"I'm not sure either," she whispered, a sad smile grazing her lips. "I'm the forest's curse."

I've heard this story before. The forest's curse.

"What kind of curse?"

She didn't move, didn't speak.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that."

She nodded, the sad smile still on her lips.

I remained silent for a while, pondering on what she said. She was the curse of the forest. I've been hearing that story from when I was a little boy.

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