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1. A little about my RP. let's not get super crazy with the OCs alright. (Ex: demon with godlike abilities who can transform into a dragon at will) My RP is based in a believable setting cuz that's my cup of tea.

2. When you fill out a form I'll look it over and accept you to do an Rp in private when I have some free time.

3. I try to practice proper spelling and grammar so it would be great if you could do the same.

4. When responding, try to elaborate more on what's going on with your OCs. Think of it like writing a story. Immerse yourself in the world a bit. Don't let me do all the talking cuz it does get a bit exhausting responding to, "he smiled." I need more than that for the story's sake.

5. Sexual/nsfw content is fine by me. How can you love vore and not have it be sexual sometimes?

6. Your OC can be what you want them to be within reason. (Ex: human, naga, mouse, wolf, cat, anthro etc) something about characters having powers and abilities just doesn't do it for me. This isn't that kind of RP.

7. Lastly, just have fun.

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