A Little Game

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In the prospective of Boris the smol wolifie.

"Hey, Mugman, have you seen Bendy anywhere. I can't seem to find him and I'm a little worried."
I asked my bestie, Mugs. I knew my brother went out last night and he still hasn't came back and I'm getting really worried. What if the illness got him...?
"He's probably out drinking with Cups. I wouldn't worry to much about it."
Mugs replied,
"But while their gone.. would you like to play a game with me..?"
Mugs questioned me.
"Sure. What's it about..?"
I asked curiously.
He started getting very close to me. I could feel my cheeks lighting up with a faint pink blush.
"You just close your eyes and come here.."
He said seductively. Coming closer and closer to my face.
"Mugs??! What are you- hmmf!"
I couldn't finish my sentence before my lips were on his. It was so sweet, almost like candy. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck deepening our kiss. We separated for air. He looked lovingly into my eyes.
"Boris.. I think I love you..."
He said quietly.
"I think so too Mugs..."
I replied going in for another kiss.

"Do I wanna know...??!"

We both looked over to see Bendy and Cups looking at us which was kinda awkward because Mugs was on top of me.
We both blushed a deep crimson and Mugman quickly got off me.

Let's just say... I like our little game. I just wished we could've finished it.

Q!Boris x Q!Mugman (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now