Not the boy that left

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-------a year later and shadows pov

It has been almost a year since the breakout and the other two are doing better but I feel like I've been getting weaker and weaker but I can't do anything because of most of my bones cracked from the mysterious pressure and power when I punched blood, I need to tell the others that I want to go back to the village just to see their reactions because of how I changed in the year. Rose is sleeping with my and night is in his room sleeping so I got up slowly and carefully so I didn't wake Rose up and walked out into the living room. "I can't believe it's been a year since we rescued Rose and yet I still haven't told them about my bones or what I'm wanting to go do. Rose walks in "mornin my lovely flower" she blushes and comes sit next to me "hey shadow can I ask you something?" I look at her questioningly "sure and anytime" she whispers in my ear and I blush redder than a cherry "when we get privacy and won't have to worry about my bro walking in on us" she nods and cuddles up against me, I hold her close to me and we lay there for the rest of the morning.

And that's a cut. Welp this is the last chapter but I am making another book RN and will have atleast one chapter published tomorrow

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