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" beautiful "
" gorgeous "
" stunning "

words i've always heard ever since i was born.

it's all they notice of me.

i could dance glamorously, sing beautifully, and create the finest of arts, but all they would comment about is my beauty.

you would grow to become such a beautiful woman, they always said.

but never

you would grow to become such a

but this, the beauty that i have, is just a little benefit from the curse.

for if you
touch me,
you'll be blind.


i have long thought that i wasn't cursed, until the night of my 18th birthday.

born into a rich family, my parents would always host a big party for me, inviting big businessmen and women, people from honorable families, and politicians, people twice or thrice my age, because i didn't have friends, i was homeschooled, and lived in an isolated part of the countryside, having 0 neighbors.

this time, the birthday they planned for me was big, the biggest they have ever organized.

they made sure it was the best, since i was about to be an adult, and to properly announce that i, emerald chou, the eldest daughter of the chou family, would inherit most of our fortune, and be the rightful ceo, by the time i get married.

i have worked hard these past few years to get my parent's trust, and take over the company for them. knowing them, they'd want me to do it as soon as possible so that they could start living lavishly, visiting countries and never working again.

i honestly think they gathered lots of people here, to find the right man for me.

by right man, i meant the son of the owners of the biggest company out there—

or the richest one in the crowd perhaps.

11:58 pm

" and here comes the lady of the night, miss emerald chou " the emcee said and signalled everyone to stand

i walked down the grand staircase, wearing a champagne off shoulder gown, with diamond earrings and diamond necklace complimenting the dress.

everyone was looking at me, and somehow i felt nervous. i have to appear as someone mature, smart, and sophistacated.

which i wasn't.

i was smart, you could say that. i did well and learned things quickly. but i wasn't mature and sophistacated like most of the people here think.

i love playing dolls with my younger sisters, sing the karaoke , sneak food into my room late at night, talk to my teddy bears as if they were people, play with my dogs and more.

but people think i just study chinese, english, korean, japanese, spanish, and german all day.

they think i study about classical music, when i'm clearly into kpop.

they think i read classic stories when i read fanfics.

they think i can handle social events like these, but im mentally screeching and trembling right now.

12 am

i have almost reached the end of the staircase, and the emcee held out his hand, and i gladly took it.

i saw the man close his eyes repeatedly, as of there was something stuck in his eyes.

" i-i can't see " he silently said into the microphone, his voice evident of worry.

" is it because she's too beautiful? " i hear a faint voice from the crowd say

the crowd then clapped and were clearly amused, thinking he was just putting up an act, and i thought so too.

the man blinked again, and again, and again. he took a step forward, but he tripped and landed on me.

aware of what was happening, my bodyguards ran towards me and helped me get back up, only to experience the same thing that happened to the emcee

" what's happening? " i hear my mom shout

" i-i dont know "

scared of what was happening before me, i ran upstairs and went back to my room.

trembling from fear, i sat on the corner of my room, trying to replay what had happened.

i hear a knock on the door and mom, dad, and sapphire all went inside.

" don't go near me! " i pleaded, tears were forming on the corner of my eyes.

they were all looking me with sadness plastered all over their faces, and i could see that my parents pitied me

" mommy, why is she crying? " sapphire, my 6 year old sister asked

she was unaware of the situation, it was too much for her to comprehend.

" it's because your sister is hurt, honey. now could you please go outside? we have to talk to your sister. " my mom replied, holding my sisters back, leading her to the door.

my sister walked all the way to the door, and held the knob, and took one last glance.

" sapphire! "
"sapphire no! "

i hear my mom and dad shout as they tried to reach my sister who was running towards me

she hugged me tightly, her face snuggled in my gown, and said

" emerald, you said hugs can heal the pain right? so im gonna hug you until you feel happy! "

tears rolled down my cheeks, knowing  what i've done to my sister.

she hugged me tight and full of sincerity and then finally let go, in which she asked

" are you happy now? "

" mommy? mommy! why is it dark? why can't i see! emerald! help me! " she added, her words almost inaudible, tears flowing out of her eyes

" sapphire, i-im sorry " that was the only thing thay i could say to my poor little sister

" why are you sorry sis? what's happening? i don't understand "

i felt something heavy in my heart. guilt, pain, sadness, and anger. that's all i feel right now. it's all my fault that this happened to her. i shouldn't have been born.

"mom, dad! leave! leave me alone! i'm a monster! stay away from me! "

i could see my mom crying and i knew that she wanted to get closer to me.

i grabbed a pillow and threw it to their direction, making them leave my room.

what have i done?

[a/n 1000 words! my longest chapter yet wiwooo ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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