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Back in early 2017, my life is so perfect as  I have lots of Friend, Best Friend and even my own clique whom I can called my own family. I also have a Girlfriend (who is 3 Year younger than me) whom willing to sacrifice her own timing, her freedom just to be with me.

However it was also a stressful year as I'm taking the Cambridge N level examination. Even that my girlfriend is willing to stay back with me after school to study with me even tho she doesn't have any national exam coming soon. This make me feel so blessed that even made me looking forward to studying. Plus I have a clique that is so bonded that no one is ever left out we will celebrate each other birthday, we will go out to eat, we will study together basically we work hard and we play hard and all having the goal in mind which is do well for the national exam.
At that point of my life i would say that it is so perfect  Everyday in school I have friends whom we will mess around with, pissing teacher off, studying together and after school we will eat together without fail at the Coffeeshop nearby and after lunch together with my girlfriend and my clique we will study together till around evening and I'll send my girlfriend home before heading my way home where dinner and my family await for me.

During weekend when I have to work my girlfriend will wait for me at MacDonald for me to end work before heading to my home to slack and heart to heart talk like talk about our lives what's happening etc. If not she will accompany me home and wait for me to bath finish and we will go out on a date like a cafe date, movie date or we will go to near by playground to play and have fun. And when it's our monthsary we will free up our entire day just to celebrate with each other the whole day, like our love is so simple that we no need any expensive gift Nor expensive day we just need to spent quality time with each other and we are contented. Every time when we were on our way home we can't bear to be apart so there's a bus that goes on a loop before stopping at her house bus stop we will take that bus instead of a direct bus so that we will have more time together.

Apart from having great Friend and a wonderful and perfect girlfriend I also have a wonderful and warmth family,despite being in a poor family my parent still put us kid in their top priority, no matter how hard and tired they work a day, they will still give us kid our weekly allowance without fail. And we will have our family bonding time like we will play mahjong together even though is like sort of gambling but it still bring us family together, when we playing mahjong we will tell each other what happen in our day and like share our days with each other.

So isn't my life so perfect and wonderful and mostly everyone want my life right?😉 so why am i complaining about?🤔 because my life is going down, down, down till the point that I wanted to end it....

Quote: nothing is perfect, life is messy, relationships is complex, outcomes are uncertain and people are irrational.

THE UNLUCKIEST GUY IN THE WORLD PART 1Where stories live. Discover now