Kills to protect...

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It was night time, a girl and her friends were in an alley. A couple of thugs followed them, and said,

"You're coming with us... NOW!"

The girls screamed and cried, being scared. They kept crying so much, and followed them. What they all didn't know, was that a 18 year old looking woman was watching them, making sure that nothing was happening. The woman jumped down a building, and jumped in front of the thugs.


"Who the hell are you lady? Why don't you join us?"


"Come on. We'll treat you right. we promise."

"Leave them alone..."


"Leave them alone... if you don't... it's time for you to die..."

The thugs stared at her. They saw that she had long black hair. She wore a black tank top, black skinny jeans, and leather boots. She lifted up her head, and revealed her face. She was very beautiful, but she had such horrifying eyes. She had such red demonic eyes. It was obvious that she wasn't human at all.

"What the hell are you lady!?"

"... An immortal lady... Queen of the Vampires... Deaths daughter... A powerful ass bitch who will kill you if you don't leave them alone..."

The criminals looked at her, and grabbed the girls and ran. The woman ran after them very fast, fatser than imagined, while carrying a demon sword. The woman appeared in front of them, grabbed the girls and got them somewhere safe.

"Stay here... I'll be back..."

The woman ran while the girls stayed where they were. The woman killed the criminals in a minute, but before she did kill them, she said,

"You didn't leave them alone... TIME TO DIE!"

The woman went back where the girls were.

"Are you all ok?"

The girls were frightened, but they knew that they could trust her. A blonde haired girl answered,

"Yes... thank you for helping us... Ms...?"

"Audri... my name is Audri Reaper... You don't have to be scared of me... I'll drive you all home, but be more careful at night ok?"

The girls nodded, and that night, they got home safely.

Audri The Killer VampireWhere stories live. Discover now