Talk about... books. (1)

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The first chapter was never my strongest spot. Don't judge this based on this first one! ~Eko.

"Okay. Who has been stealing the paper from the school?" Our teacher asks, closing the door behind.

Immediately Token, Kyle and I get looked at. I roll my eyes, looking at everyone.

"I didn't do it," Kyle says.

"But that's just, what someone that did it would say," Cartman says.

"Why would I feel the need to steal paper? I'm not a thief," Kyle asks.

Most people turn to Token or me.

"What would I need to steal for?" Token asks.

I roll my eyes, nodding.

"What about you, Kenneth?" The teacher asks.

"What papers got stolen? Toilet?" I ask.

"A lot of different types of paper," the teacher says.

"If you talk about toilet paper, I had an accident. I didn't know I was having unbelievable time shitting," I say.

"Ew, gross," Bebe says.

"I can go into more detail, if you don't believe me," I say.

"Um... no need," the teacher says.

"Are you absolutely sure?" I ask.

"But just normal paper has been disappearing as well," the teacher says.

"Where has it disappeared from?" Wendy asks.

"The printer," the teacher answers.

"Oh. The 'Take, if you need' one?" Stan asks.

"How do you know?" Teacher asks.

"Because the football coach needed quite a lot of paper, told me to get some. Was probably that," Stan says.

Kyle smiles.

"The theatre needed some as well. Sorry, we have to use some to print lines," Kyle says.

"Print lines? Have you chosen a play?"

"Yes we have, we are doing a interpretation of the snow queen," Kyle says.

"What part are you playing?"

"I'm the boy with the frozen heart actually, although I really wanted to be the ice queen, I can't sing well enough to play the part though. I can't sing unless I'm back up and that's, why I got the part, " Kyle says.

"Anyway. Has everyone read their books?" Teacher asks.

I nod, along with everyone else.

"Who would like to come up first?"

Kyle and Wendy immediately rise their hands. Just to fuck with everyones expectations, I rise my hand as well.

"Kenny. What book did you have?"

"13 reasons why. I got left with the last book," I say.

"Alright. Please introduce your book."

I look at the back quickly.

"It's about this boy that knows a girl that has a lot of problems, but the boy won't listen to the girl. Soon the boy gets tapes from a girl called Hannah. The trick is, Hannah is dead, she has been dead for a short while. So, the boy listens to the tapes all together. 13 tapes, 13 reasons for her sudden passing. Anyway. The boy, after listening to the tapes, learns he should listen to the girl he didn't listen to and they talk it over," I say.

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