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Ravenna's POV

"Venna & Ron please come downstairs for a second." Our mum called. We both got up from where we were sitting and ran downstairs.

"Yes mum?" Ron said, fixing her (real) nerd like glasses. "We want to talk to you girls a bit." She said, looking at Kenny, our step-father, then back at us.

I refuse to call him my father because he never will be after what he had done to our perfect family; he slept with my mother for 2 years and she took his side instead of the man she loved since her freshman year of high school.

"Okay, what is it? Are we in trouble?" I worriedly asked, hoping that we're not. As in we, I mean me. I, Ravenna Clifford, am the "bad girl twin" because well, I am. I snuck out to parties without ever getting caught, I snook in boys into my bedroom (that all stopped when I met my boyfriend, James Yammouni. Yes from the Janoskians. If you don't know who they are, look them up on YouTube. They're hilarious.), and many other stuff.

As for Ronny, she's the good girl. She always study hard in her room, loved to read, kept her grade high to get a scholarship for her dream collage, USC (University of Southern California), and never did anything bad in her entire life.

"No sweetie, you aren't. Just please, have a seat." She flashed me a weak smile, patting the seat next to her. I sat on the right, Ron sat on the left.

"Your father and I got a phone call today," she started. I crinkled my nose when I heard the words 'your father' spill put of her mouth. "It was your brother Michael." We both groaned in annoyance. By the way, my step brother Michael is actually Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer. Might seem cool to you but he's such a dick, no joke.

"What does he want now?" Ron said, rolling her eyes. "He's coming over to visit a few days since he was at London recording more songs." She explained. I just hope he doesn't bring his stupid little friends over. I don't quite remember their names though.

"But don't worry, he isn't going to bring any of his friends."She said as if she read my mind. We sighed in relief, thanking god they weren't coming. "When is he coming?" I asked.

"In about 2 hours. Help me clean around the flat please, it's a bit of a mess." She pushed herself of the couch and went straight to the kitchen. I'm guessing she was preparing dinner for us.

After 45 minutes of cleaning, we finally finished. You're probably thinking that I'm exaggerating that it doesn't take 45 minutes just to clean a small flat. Oh but honey believe me, it's the biggest flat on this building.

Right as Ron and I dropped ourselves on the couch, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Kenny said. He jogged to the door and opened it, revealing the green haired not who is known as, Michael.

"Mikey!" He excitedly said, embracing him into a big hug. "Hey dad, I missed ya." He said, returning the hug. His eyes looked at both Ron and I. Rolling my eyes, I left to the kitchen to see what mum has cooked for us.

"What did you cook mum?" I asked, taking a seat on the chair. "Just one of Michael's favorites. I hope you don't mind." I nodded and went back up to my room.

Shutting the door, I jumped on my bed, landing on my stomach. After laying in bed for 10 minutes, I plugged my phone in my purple Beats speakers and put it on shuffle.

"Drunk In Love" by Beyoncé came on aka my favorite song in the world. I squealed and jumped up from my bed. Since I've been taking dance classes since I was 7, I learned over 100 dance moves.

Recently, I had taught myself a dance I made myself for this song.

"One, two, three four." I danced in rhythm to the song. When it finally ended, I was sweating buckets. Pulling up the bottom of my shirt to wipe my sweat of off my forehead, my phone started ringing. "Settle Down" by No Doubt blasted in my room.

I unplugged it from the speakers and accepted the call, without checking the caller ID.


"Hey babe. You busy tomorrow?" James asked.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I want to take you put, somewhere special." A smile formed on on my face, even though he couldn't see it.

"Okay. Where are you taking me?" I chuckled.

"It's a surprise. Wear something causal but not too causal." He said.


"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:30. Bye, I love you."

My faced heated up, causing me to feel like the room had just reached 100 degrees.

"Bye, I love you too. Tell the boys I said hi."

"Will do." The line ended and I tossed my phone on my bed.

Walking downstairs, I smelled the food of spaghetti with balls and garlic bread. "Ravenna, come and eat now."

I sighed and went to the kitchen, taking a seat on a chair. Mum served a plate of food inform of me. It was still hot because I could see the little smokes coming out of it.

Finally, everybody was settled and began eating. "So Michael, how did the recording go? Did you like it?" Mum asked, taking a bit of her bread.

"It went great, a lot better then I had expected." Smiling, he also took a bite of his food. "That's good." With that, the room went silent. Not an awkward one though; it was more of a peaceful one.

"It's great to have you back son." Kenny said. "Well it's great to be back." Michael chuckled. Jesus, why did he have to act so fake around mum and him. It makes me want to rip his green hair.

"So kids, we have something we want to talk to you guys about," Mum said slowly. I took a sip of my soda waiting for her to continue. "Your father and I have been thinking lately.. Michael, we want your sisters to go out tour with you until it's completely over."

I chocked on my drink, trying to get my breath back. Looking over at Ronny, I swear, her eyes were wider that Nicki Minaj's hips, same for Michael.

"What? You can't do this! What if management isn't okay with this." He shouted, getting up from his seat. "I already talked to them last month about this and they think it's a terrific idea. Plus, it will give you three a chance to bond together." Mum beamed.

"But mum please! School is almost over and I had already planned stuff for my summer! Don't do this to me and Ron. We can't even last a minute in the same room with that." I spat, giving him and evil eye. He glared at me and rolled his eyes, continuing to eat his food.

"Oh don't be ridiculous. It's already too late anyway." She said. I sighed in defeatism, and copied Michael's actions. Ron didn't say anything the whole time, as if she were distant in another world.

I can't believe I have to stay with the monster I call my step-brother for the whole tour. And the nightmare begins now.

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