Black Eyes

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The rest of the night was pretty much boring. Jeremy and I talked about little nothings like why Donald Trump should never win or mythical creatures.

He certainly was giving off a vibe about the last one, but I figured he was just obsessed. He talked about them as if he was friends with one.

But that's not all we talked about. Hell we even got into an argument about who like candy more. Turns out, he had jolly's on him.

"Got more jolly ranchers?" i asked obviously blushing and also looking at him. He laughed before nodding.

Simply to say, I ate all of the ones he gave me, and all of his.

"You are going to be sick soon " he smiled looking down at me. "Here" he said digging in his pocket, then handing me a raspberry flavoured one. "That was my last one"

"Thanks" i responded unwrapping it and plopping it into my mouth. AWWWWW..... I LOVE CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sucked on it, twirling it everywhere in my mouth as its sweet, delicious taste engulfed my mouth. "You like jolly's?"

"Yeah, but i still rather chocolate"

"Chocolate, huh? You only become more interesting by the second" i smiled at him biting the rock hard candy. But of course, it didn't break.

"Because of my candy addictions?"

I smiled, that did sound funny. Thats when my phone buzzed off. Before i checked the message, i looked at the time. 10:47. OK, I'm ready to go back now because this isn't how i planned to spend my time here at all... even though its still Friday.

After talking to myself, i looked at the message that read.



Where are you guys? Hope you love birds aren't doing anything fishy ;p :) Come on lets go, before i get anymore drunk.

- Dipshit/ BFF


I swear this chick is... Argh. "I think we need to leave now"

"Was it Melody?"

"Yes". He hopped off the stool.

"Great, tell her we'll be out soon. You are ready right?"

I Was born ready to leave this place.

I nodded at him and replied.


Dipshit/ BFF

We are on our way out the front.



And in no time.



Take your time ;p Lol. k.

- Dipshit/ BFF


I smiled and rolled my eyes. I noticed that Jeremy was silently staring at the crowd. "Whats wrong, are you okay?"

"Yeah" he cleared his throat and began heading out. I groaned. Could've said come on or something.

I looked around the crowd while following closely behind Jeremy. There we're so many faces around here, young, old and some you can't really be sure about. The all danced, somebody's sweaty skin brushed against me and I cringed. The thrashing, grinding body's all over the place. Couldn't we have walked around. Just as I thought this, my eyes were grabbed by two black orbs.

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