Insanity (one of my nonsense writings)

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What is insanity?

Doing the same failed plan over and over hoping for a different result. Is that insanity or is that the art of the stubborn.

Stories are just forgotten memories washed away, pushed from shore to shore until something forces it off its course, and just like that it's remembered.

A woman. A blond woman and office desk. She sits unable to remember. Unable to remember her dream from the night prior. She sits in front of crowd with a smile. The smile will bend and bend until it breaks. The smile was but an attempt to seem content. It was failed, and yet the blond woman continues to attempt to seem content. Would one refer to this woman, this blond woman at an office desk, this beautiful blonde woman at an office desk in front of a crowd as insane. No. perhaps depressed, perhaps sad, or pathetic, perhaps stubborn? Maybe.

There is a man. A very tall man. He sits on a metal cold stool in front of a terrified woman. Although he sits he still towers over the woman. He attempts to convince woman hat his actions are out of love. He fails. Although he fails countless times, she continues to try in the same manner. This man this very tall man that towers over this blond, broken beautiful woman is he insane? Perhaps but maybe he is depressed? No maybe he is just stubborn. To tell if ones truly insane you would have to know what they did before breakfast. The woman awoke at 7;30 am she walked her dog she scrambled eggs all with a faded content smile crumbling on her lips. The man awoke at 7:20 to scramble eggs and leave the house. Where id he go? Does it really matter?yes but not right now.we should focus on breakfast after all it is the most important meal of the day. The woman eats her eggs then she eats his eggs. The man oes not eat breakfast. Who has shown there stubbornness? Who has presented there insanity? If either is insane which would it eb? Their work. The woman is newscaster. She sits in booth and speaks truths about the world to those who otherwise would not know it. She sits in a crowd of crows all over the country. She attempts a content smile. And fails. She continues to try but continues t fail. The man goes out. He find children left and abandoned. He takes them with promise of a better world, the man lies. The woman returns home to find children in her basement. Trapped and afraid. The woman finds the man sitting yet still towering over her. He tries to convince her that everything he does is for her and that he tries his very best ot be the best for her. She's never convinced. He has failed and everyday he goes out and tries again. The woman is who we are looking for. The beautiful blond newscaster is the most stubborn, she is the most insane. The man can never take as many children or strike fear into as many parents as the woman has.

Public news is dangerous game, it scares people it causes things and then reports s its inormational but is all information really needed to know. Like, i could've told you that the man works for a childcare center and lives in an apartment above. Yes i could've said this earlier but the outcome wouldn't have changed. Perhaps for you but not in the grand scheme of things the woman would still hold her place as most crooked in the household.

take note this is one of the things i write that make no sense to most people... impossible to explain yet easy to understand... there will be plenty of misspells and gramaticaal errors. feel free to skip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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