Letter One:

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As my first letter, I know it won't be that good. But, I hope you like it.
James you're my soul mate and my lover. You mean the world to me. Well, you're my world. As the song I use to sing always said: "You must be hurt a million times before you find your true one." I finally now know how honestly true the song was...
Baby, you taught me love. I never thought I'd love someone ever again. Especially with my last relationship. But, you proved me wrong. You took my heart with all gentleness and kindness and pieced it back together one piece at a time. You kissed my wounds better, and you dusted off my heart. You've showed me that this world is a good place.
James I'm not sure exactly how I feel for you. Maybe it was your personality. Or maybe it was the way you always treated me like a woman, and you made me feel appreciated.
You my love, you've helped shape me into the better and stronger person I am now. Which, I hope to be able to help you in the future.

Have I ever told you the thing I love about you the most? Well, the first thing that drew me into you was your eyes. Yes, your eyes. Those beautiful eyes called to me. Those eyes are full of so much strength, beauty and depth. I could never imagine looking into another's eyes and feeling the way I feel when I look into yours. I fell in love with you entirely, heart and soul but I fell in love with your eyes first.
Sometimes, when I think about our relationship, I wonder, what does the future hold in store for us? What surprises are right around the corner? We have already had so many wonderful, exciting adventures. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. With you at my side, I know that life will always be exciting. You are the only person in the world I can imagine building a life with. From the bumps in the road to the wonderful times, with our fair share of both heartbreak and laughter, I know that there is no one I would rather spend my future with than you. (I know I've said this before 😙)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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