Trying to have fun

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"Okay Larissa , so me and cam have been talking and hanging out and he asked me out...." She drifted off

"That's nice . " I nodded . She looked at me .

"We're like dating Larissa!" She looked over .

"Coooool he's over there . With Matt.. " I said not wanting her to do anything .

She ran over to him and
Cam looks over and sees her and walks over with matt and his girlfriend.

I tugged on Kaitlyns shirt.
"I'm going to the bathroom." I mumbled

"No please come with me, he won't even talk to you ." She pleaded

"It's fine I'm just going to go to some stores." I started to look for Abercrombie and Fitch

"Larissa , where ya going." Cam shouted

"Getting makeup mans clothes man" I laughed

"You don't need makeup man" he said

Me and Kaitlyns just laughed as I walked into the store

"Kaitlyn you guys wanna come to a party?"  Matt asked

"Sure can I brink Larissa?" He nodded

"Okayyy thanks!"

I walked out of Abercrombie and Fitch and started my way to debs and seen Matt and his girlfriend

She glared at me and scoffed. Matt placed  his hand on her lower back and followed her to the dresses

Next store I went to was Aeropostale and got high waist shorts and a tank walked out of there and seen Matt hand in hand with whore Matt seen me and let go acting like to ich is leg. but kaitlyn texted me saying meet her at rue 21 so I did but Matt was coming

I finially actually went to the bathroom and walked out to see matt looking at some hats . He turned around and his eyes soften.
"Okay Larissa I like you and I like you a lot, my girlfriend was planning on breaking up with me today. Which she did. I guess she was jealous." He cupped my face and stared at me

"I like you to." I smiled .

He then leaned in and was smiling . Our lips connected and fireworks were setting off in my stomach.
I can't believe I am kissing my crush . We broke the kissing and intertwined our fingers. I've never felt so anxious and happy until now. My first boyfriend was my crush. This id amazing .

 Not a Love Story. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant