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i constantly feel nothing but pain, i feel like i'm not good enough for this world, i find myself sat on my window sill every night just wanting to drop, so why don't i? and i feel like i should keep it to myself but i really wanna tell someone, but when i do i really regret it, and it hurts, i think i should self harm because i feel like self harm will let out the pain in me and i want to smoke coz i want to be happy again. one of my family members is in hospital atm and he is in a terrible state, my fav singer got shot two years ago today, Christina, this then reminds me of my best friend who died and my internet friend who hung herself, all these deaths and so many of my friends have depression too.
so i tell my parents that im always sad, i tell them i used to cut myself and burn myself and all they say is "you don't have depression."
then what do i have? i find myself sitting next to toilet wanting to puke out my lungs and heart, my broken heart, the heart i let many people take from me and after a few months they go and through me away like i'm some kinda of toy. i'm sorry that you wasted your time reading this, you probably read this if you were feeling upset. so if you are upset and i'm still alive...please talk to me and everything will be okay

this is the phone no. to childline- 0800 1111
many deal with suicidal thoughts, depression, stress, anxiety, bulimia, anorexia, and many many more mental health disorders, especially teens.
trust me i'm a teen myself and i find as you're body is changing and exams are coming up, all this stupid mental health stuff kicks in and i know it's a pain, but if we all work together we can fight it, please please please stay strong❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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