New beginnings..

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okay the video lol. Thank you 70's!








I open my eyes parted a little ways and sunshine immediately fills in. I blink a few times, my vision blurred, when I open my eyes fully I see a face only a few inches away staring down into my soul.


I roll off my bed and fall flat on my back, as then Kaylene starts laughing hysterically.

"What the fudge Kaylene!?!? You scared the shit out of me!"

She laughs before saying, " I'm.. Sorry.. It's just too funny! Man you...should've seen your face!" She says while breaking out into more laughter.

"Ugh. Whatever. Why are you here? And why did you wake me up so early?" I huff.

"Don't you remember our flight to London leaves in hour an a half." She exclaims still giggling.

"Ohh yeah. Still it's to earlyyy!"

"Well we have got to get going soon or else we will miss our flight, so go do your stuff and hurry be down in like 30 so we can leave."

"Fine." I groan.

I get up and stride toward my closet and grab some black sweat pants and a light pink tank and a cream colored sweatshirt that says in big bold silver letters 'dance all night sleep all day' while Kaylene leaves my room to leave me to my business. I walk in the bathroom and take one swift look in the mirror and see what I think is supposed to be me or the walking dead.

~~~~~~~skipping the getting ready part~~~~~~~

" Okay ladies ready?" My mom ask me and Kaylene,

We nod excitedly as we put our suitcases in the trunk. We both a start jumping up and down, squealing.

"Bye dad. Bye Joey. Stay out of trouble, all right?"

"I can't make any promises!" Joey responds.

"Bye pumpkin. have fun and be careful!" My father lectures.

I chuckle and give my dad a kiss on the cheek and squeeze my brother tight and spin him around.

"Your squeezing me!" he squeaks.

I drop my brother and he stands up holding his head trying to gain his balance.

"Okay bye I love you!"

"Love you too!" my dad and Joey say in sync.

Me and Kaylene get in the backseat. We start jumping and slapping each other's hands while mom starts the car.

" OMG I can't believe that this is actually happening! I am so excited! I bet London is beautiful! Do you think they have hot guys there? Ooh I'm gonna find some guy with an accent and the most gorgeous body and-"

"Okay Kaylene calm yourself." I cut off Kaylene by putting my hand over her mouth.

She just starts talking while my hand is over her mouth anyways.

"Skald ksd,bslsbahosb.!" She says while her words all jumble up and swirled.

~~~~~skip to airport~~~~~

"Thanks mom, I love you, I'm gonna miss you!"

"I will miss you too sweetie! I will see you soon and please keep Kaylene out of trouble and don't get into any trouble yourself. That means don't get too drunk that you don't remember your name or get arrested, orrr wake up in some random dudes be-"


"Oh okay, but have fun be safe! I love you okay! See you soon! Bye Kaylene you too same goes for you! Bye girls!"

"Thanks mom! I love you!"

"Thanks Mrs. Bell! See you soon! And I can't make any promises!" Kaylene replys to my mother as she gives her a hug as she gives my mother a wink.

I give my mom one last hug before walking towards our plane. Dragging my luggage bluntly with Kaylene by my side as she starts babbling on again. *sigh*


I open my eyes to someone violently shaking my shoulder. I look around and take a double take to find that the plane is nearly empty. Kaylene snaps her fingers a few times in front of my face.

"Ya! Hey! Wake up! FINALLY! I have been sitting here for like 15 minuets trying to wake you up! come on we go to go! But on the brighter side now that your awake..... WE HAVE LANDED TO LONDON!"

I yawn while saying, "Yay!"

I pull myself up and swerve my back and here a *pops*. We start to get our stuff and trudge out of the plane

We start heading towards the baggage claim area. After a couple years pass, I got bored so decided to sit on the spiny thing. I went around in circles making faces at Kaylene each time I come around. I come around one more time and Kaylene has our bags. I get up with some trouble until I fall and spin again then finally roll off straight on my chest.

"Ow!" I stand up.

"I am surprised you haven't gotten in trouble yet for doing that." She exclaims while handing me my suitcase and duffel bag.

"Ya well I'm just like that cool." I say jokingly while putting on my Ray Bans.

"So modest. Haha."

We drag our bags out of the airport and look for a cab. We walk a little ways and wait about 5 min. until we find one. We get in and tell the man the address. We start driving and I can't help but admire London's beauty. Yup, I officially love it here. I got so lost that I didn't realize we were already at the apartment. We check in and get our keys from the office. I drop my bags. I look at Kaylene with the biggest smile and she looks back grinning madly. We both run in opposite directions exploring every room. There is 3 bedrooms with walk in closets and 4 bathrooms with a kitchen and a living room. it's filled with long hallways and a small balcony in each bedroom.

I pick my bedroom, I walk in and it's all empty except the walls have a light magenta color to them. Its a medium sized room with a bathroom and walk in closet, along with a mini balcony. I set my bags and suitcase on my bed and start unpacking everything. I walk out to my mint balcony and stand on the edge with my arms on the railing, taking in the fresh London scent. I spot the London eye and the city around it. It's uniquely decorated with tall buildings and little shops with a cobblestone road down the middle. People walking down the roads also admiring the beauty or keeping there loved ones company. I close my eyes and take a deep breath admiring the view and peacefulness of the gorgeous city. I open my eyes and stroll out my mint balcony and close the door. I go towards kaylene's room which is just across the hall. I barge in and take a look at the lovely room, the walls are light blue that shimmy down to white, it has the undecorated mattress and empty room along with the same stuff my room has and looks just as spacious and empty. I look around the room and find kaylene nowhere in sight I look in the closet and see she's set in a daze. I walk up and put my hand in front of her face, that startled her and she looked at her surroundings.


"Ya." She says while biting her lip.

"Hey so you wanna go get some stuff for the house? Like blankets, sheets, decorations, furniture, and groceries e.t.c." .

"Sure. Let's roll".


Hey so little authors note sorry the first chapter is just a filler kinda boring but keep reading it gets better trust me.


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