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    Saturday 13th August

When I woke up, my dad still wasn't home. I decided that I wouldn't care for him any longer, he was mean to me, abused me and he didn't care about me at all, if he doesn't care, then why should I care for him?

I went to do my daily cutting in the bathroom, when I got a phone call from J-Fred. I didn't know why he would be calling me now, but I still picked up the phone.

"Hi Twilight, are you still coming to the beach tomorrow?"

"Yes J-Fred, I haven't thought about what we're doing there though"

"Oh, would you like me to tell you?"

"Yes please"

"Ok, bring your swimsuit, because it's a beach, and we'll go swimming obviously, maybe we'll go and get some ice-cream later on as well, it's meant to be 31 degrees tomorrow"

"Seriously?! 31?! Wow, better take some sunscreen and a hat as well."

"Definitely, see you then J-Fred"

"Cya Twilight"

He hung up and I went back to my cutting.

"Maybe I should go outside today. I'll go to the park, get some fresh air, and maybe i'll feel happy today and not sad"

I got ready and walked to the town square, I waited at the bus stop for the bus to arrive. I saw something strange, it was a figure on the road, dressed in all black, had a black face, {Not being racist, his face was literally the colour black} and the strangest of all, he was looking directly at me! I shook my head and he disappeared. Thankfully I was hallucinating.

The bus finally arrived and I tagged on and I sat down alone in the middle. I looked out the window the entire bus ride there, halfway on the bus ride, I got hit in the head with a paper ball

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