Chapter Two: Mike POV

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        Oh gosh. I said it. I know Father meant for that advice to be applied to business deals but. I'm not going to think about him actually. I can't imagine what he'd even have to say if he was here right now. Nor would I like to imagine it. There's so many things he'd disapprove of about this. So no, forget that. Pull yourself together, Mike.

        "Ben?" I try to coax a response out of him, he's just standing there with his mouth hanging open a little. Those green eyes of his fixed on mine are getting unnerving, why won't he at least say something to me?

        He finally speaks up. "I don't even know how to take that. I'll never understand you upperclass pigs." I should have seen that sort of answer coming. But hell if I'll let it end like that, if I've picked up anything from the the business world, it's that persistence is the first step to victory.

        Ben looks like he's about to make his way to his truck again. There has to be something that I can say to get on his good side. Something that says 'I'm serious about this.' Even if I am being sudden. I'm not in an easy spot.

        "Please, just hold on." He quirks a brow. "What if I were to say, misplace, some paperwork for a while? Maybe long enough for me to-"

        "You think you can buy me with tricks like that? Don't make me laugh. Real people don't work that way, princess." My offer merely earned me a sneer and a snarky remark. Total backfire. What was I supposed to say to convince him? That he'd completely enchanted me with his toned body, dark tan, and messy, yet charming, thick brown hair? That he was the modern reincarnation of Adonis? I doubt he would want to hear things of that nature.

        "Not at all! I hadn't intended to come off rude as being about it..." My voice trails off and I gaze around, trying to think of something that doesn't sound like I'm aiming to bribe him. "I wanted to try to amend my bad first impression is all. I honestly can see to it that you don't have to leave at all. Wouldn't be too hard."

        He looks at me skeptically, but it's obvious that he's seriously considering my words. It's not like I'm lying to him. Pulling strings is simple, I'm entirely confident that if he trusts me, I can keep him from having to give up this place he's so attached to. That'd show him that rich isn't synonymous with heartless. It's a good start.

        "Hmph. I'll meet you somewhere to see about it then. But don't even think about calling it a date." I hold out my business card to him and before I have the chance to say anything more, he snatches it from my and spins around to speed walk back to his Ford truck.

        Am I really about to invest so much to win over this stranger?

        "Have all those years in a private business school taught you nothing, Michael? The farm was sold, and suddenly you come to me wanting to keep this man on it? It'll be mechanized and we will employ specially trained staff to work on it, just like every other Sony potato farm." It's been two hours since I left Ben's (the company's) farm, and as promised, here I am trying to work out deal in order for him to stay on his home. That Sony already has the deed to. What a day this is turning out to be.

        "Da- I mean, Mr. McClain, you're misunderstanding me. It's not about the man. As we're both aware, Microsoft is ahead of us, not only in the PC gaming market, but in the potato market as well. The solution? Have something that our competitors don't."

        "Hm?" Ding ding. Business school taught me nothing my ass. Got him now. "Go on boy, I'm listening."

        "Let's not mechanize this one. Let's keep it traditional. I'm talking about opening up an organic grown line. There'll be demand for it in this age. As for Walters, the land won't be in his name, sure, but it'd save us some hassle with hiring if we left him there. Therefore, this would be a recipe for convenient profit."

        Father grins up at me from his leather chair behind his desk. "Aha! That's my boy! That old dinosaur Gates won't know what hit him. Good show, good show. How about we go out for a few drinks this evening, eh?"

        I shake my head. "Can't. I have an appointment scheduled. Might be able to squeeze you in tomorrow." Or at least I should have one scheduled. Ben has yet to call me. Time has been dragging by slowly waiting.

        "Well, I suppose the nut doesn't fall far from the tree. Too dead set on an appointment to even cancel for your old man, must be a family thing."

        "Least I didn't pick up your habit of always using too many sayings like that." I chuckle and rise from my own chair.

        He waves his hand dismissively at me and I exit his office, taking the elevator back to the ground floor of the building.

        I need to head back to my apartment. There's cleaning to do and a call to keep waiting on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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