Part 2

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*Still your pov*

I sighed as I saw Ed look down before going back to eat his food. I wondered what his problem was. He's acting weird. Maybe it's because of what happened in class? Speaking of that why did he get so mad? D-did Ed like me? NO! That can't be it. Al was only nice enough to let me sit with him since I was so shy. 

"(Y/n)?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Alphonse waved a hand infront of me. 

"H-Huh?" He chuckled slightly and pulled his hand back before standing. 

"I said I'm leaving early. I'm not feeling well so I'm gonna have Ed walk you home instead. 

"What?!" Edward and I both said at the same time. 

*Ed's pov*

"What?!" I screamed at my brother blushing red. He only chuckled and sent a wink before walking away. I mentally growled before running a hand across my face. 'calm down Ed. It's a favor. You get to walk a beautifull girl incredibly beautiful girl. I shook my head quickly shaking the thought away and looked at (Y/n). I could have sworn I saw her blushing. Must just be my eyes tricking me. 

"Um...s-so (Y/n)? When did you move here?" And that's when we started talking. I learned a lot about her and I didn't realize lunch was already over. I sighed sadly before turning to her. 

"S-so Ed where should I meet you?" 

"Um how about I meet you outside the school?" I watched as she nodded and wave as she walked away, her long (H/C) locks cascading down her back.

-Later at the end of school-

As the bell rang I raced outside and saw (Y/n) already there. 

"Edward!" I blushed as she ran up smiling. God why does she have to be so amazing!? 

" ready to go?" I asked shoving my hands in my pockets. 

"Yep!" She nodded before walking ahead as I trailed. Maybe this is my chance? I walk her home, we stop infront of her house then I make my move! Yes! This'll be perfect. 

*at your house*

We both got close to her house and I bit my lip blushing before turning to her as we got to her door.

"Um...(Y/n) listen..."

"What is it Edward?" I could feel my throat closing and my face heating up. I nervously gulped before pulling her close. 

"I-I like you!" I said before kissing her. I felt her freeze but kiss back, which I mentally sighed at, and I held her hips as hers went around my neck. 

*Your pov*

'OHMIGODOHMIGODOHMIGOD! I'm kissing Edward Elric! AHHHHHHHHH!' I couldn't believe it. Ed actually likes me!!!! I kissed back as I rapped my arms around his neck. Though he was made fun of for being short he was still a bit taller than me. After a while he pulled away and I blushing looking into his golden brown eyes. 

"W-wow really like me?" 

"Yeah...I-I kinda knew when you walked into the class room...I don't know you just seem....special. No you ARE speacial." I blushed more and hugged Ed smiling. 

"I like you to Ed." I smiled as I felt him kiss the top of my head. 


Wow this really sucks. DX im so sorry! I promise my stories wont be this bad!!! ;A;

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