Part 1

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Natasha P.O.V.
Damn Tony, and damn these parties. Ever since Pepper left him, he had been throwing one nearly every week. Sure, they where fun at first, but now they where a drag. I would much rather spend time with Steve, I never grew board of him, even after a year of dating. I zipped up my dress and stepped out of the bathroom.

He was sitting on the bed, when I opened the door he looked up, and his jaw all but hit the floor. I felt myself blush. He stepped up to me, grabbing my hands. "My gosh, you look gorgeous, Nat," he stuttered. He was blushing to now.

"Why thank you," I replied. "Now, I'm thinking we go down, make an appearance at this party, and then we come back up here," I suggested.

"That sounds lovely, and much better than another damn party," he agreed.

I stood up on my toes, and leaned into him, my lips next to his ear, "and then how about you help me get out of this dress?" His face went scarlet, and then he gave me a devious smile. 

He shoved me up against the wall and his lips crashed onto mine. I laughed, and then kissed him back. After a minuet, I parted. He looked like a disappointed puppy, "alright, let's go now... so we can resume this sooner!"

He grabbed my hand, now eager to go, and led me to the elevator. I slipped my hand through his elbow, and he straightened his posture. I laughed, gosh, he was good at getting me to laugh.

The elevator doors opened, and we found another party. It took all my self control not to role my eyes. I led Steve over to the bar, the only good thing about these parties was the free alcohol. I got a vodka, and he got himself a Tennessee Whisky. We walked over to the large windows looking over the city, and stood together. He wrapped his free arm around my waist, and I leaned into him. It was peaceful, despite the party and drunk guests behind us.

"Have we been here long enough?" Steve asked into my ear, giving a small bite into my skin. I turned at looked at him, raising a playful eyebrow. He took the cue, and quickly walked us over to the elevator. We walked with composure past the other Avengers and guests. No one looked, everyone was distracted by a very drunk, wrecked Tony.

Steve P.O.V.
We got in the elevator and quickly hit the door close button so no one else would get on. I tried to wait till we got to our room, but I couldn't, not with her dress showing that much skin, not with her giving me that smug and challenging smirk. It killed me. I couldn't stop myself, I rammed her into the wall. Careful not to hurt her, but with great force. She laughed and I kissed her neck, and she threw her head back with a laugh.

I heard the door ding as it opened, and I picked her up with my hands on her ass, our lips never breaking contact. She wrapped her legs around me tight, and I walked her into the room. I shoved her up against the door, as she fumbled with the lock.

"Come on, Nat," I panted in between kisses. She got it, laughing as we entered the room. I closed the door and locked it, then walked over to the bed, crashing down on top of her. I worked to unzip her dress and then slide it off while she started to work on taking off my pants. I threw off my top and suit. Soon we where both exposed, and I got on top of her, she giggled as I kissed her neck, and I began to thrust. I kept going faster and faster, she moaned and then cried out in joy (thank Stark for the soundproof walls), and I felt her build. She was close to the edge, and I stopped moving.

"Steve, Steve," she panted, "keep going, please."

"You gotta beg me to, Natasha Romanoff," I teased her. She grabbed my hair her hands, brining me close, kissing me, hard, my lips where brushing.

"I beg you, Steve Grant Rogers, please," she pleaded. I did, I resumed my actions, and then I saw her fall over the edge, she was in pure please, and so was I. The night went like this, on for hours. She would flip me over and be on top, and then I would flip her onto her back... I liked to be in control, she knew that, and she used that.

Eventually, we both fell off each other, panting and sweating. "So, much better than the party?" She asked, out of breath.

"Hell ya," I agreed. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me, she snuggled in, and that's how we she fell asleep, I watched her breathing, and before long, I had been lulled off to sleep as well.

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