Chapter 24

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Emi's POV:

What was I thinking!? How could I call the mayor's daugther a spoiled brat! After leaving school, I didn't stop walking until we were outside of my door. Marinette was silent the whole time, not protesting as we walked. My social live is over! Chole is going to make school a nightmare! Well more than usual.

"Emi?" Marinette's voice made me realize we'd been standing outside of my house for ten mintues. "Thank you for helping me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't intervinced." Marinette shyly looked away as she rubbed her arm. "Usually Alya deals with Chole when she gets extra bratty."

Unlocking the front door, I allowed Marinette to enter first. "You should know, I'm not usually that bold Marinette. Espically when it comes to people like Chole." Tossing my bag onto the counter, I opened the frigde to look for a snack. "And I thought Mara was bad. Although, their both still better then Royal."

"Royal? As in from Noble?" Marinette perked up at the mention of the famous teen idol. "You got to meet her? When? Where? How?"

"Calm down girl." Tossing her an apple, I grabbed another for myself. "All I'll say is Royal is a real royal brat." Realizing my mistake, I chose to let my answer be as vauge as possblie. "Moving on, where are you planning to go with Adrien?"

Marinette's quickly became apple red, as she squeaked. " heard that? We..we're to an amus..amusement par...park." Anyone who knew Marinette would easily recongize she was going into Adrien crush mode. Truthfully, I think Adrien is the only one who doesn't know about Marinette's crush on him.

"Again, calm down." Placing a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk on the coffee table, I joined her on the couch. "You don't have to hide anything with me. I've known you've had a crush on Adrien for a while now."

Instead of calming her, my statement made her blush more. "Did Alya tell you!? She promised she wouldn't."

Before she could continue rambling, I shoved a cookie into her mouth. "Alya hasn't said anything. Anyone with two eyes can see that you like him. Look at how your acting just because I said his name."

Marinette took a sip of milk to wash the cookie down, then took a calming breath. "Am I that obious?"

"You as obivous as Chat Noir is about his love for Ladybug." The cat may seem like a firlt, but upon closer obsesvertion, it clear how much he truly care for the bug. "Maybe that two of you can work together and help each other get your crushes."

Marinette's face paled at my joke. "Why would Chat Noir help me with Adrien? It's not like we know each other or anything."

I would have believe her words, if it wasn't for the fact that Chat Noir has saved Marinette several times and she even helped him capture an akuma. I pointed all of this out to Marinette, who just blinked. "Mari? Anyone home?" I waved my hand in her face. She didn't move, until her cell rang. She let out a loud yelp, fell off the couch, then answered her cell.

"Really?" Color returned to Marinette's face as she motioned for me to turn on the tv. "Turn on the news." She whisphered to me, then returned to her phone call.

Using the remote, I turned on the news. "We're live on the scene of the latest attack. Sources have yet to deteremine if this is an akuma or faux. The mystous male from before is back, this time battling a lone Chat Noir and Panda Mime. Civilizans are wondering, where are Ladybug and Blue Jay?"



"This is not how I wanted to spend my afternoon!" Jumping into a tree, I avoided the bike tossed in my direction. This guy, we've deicded to call him Grey (it's a name Blue Jay came up with), attacked right after school. I managed to lead him away from the school into the nearby park, but things went downhill from there. Grey blocked all of my attacks and countered with increblie strength. If it wasn't for the magic of my kwami and mirclous I don't think I would've surivived these attacks as easily.

"Where are the girls? Shouldn't they be here by now?" Chat Noir landed gracefully beside me. He arrived mintues after I got Grey to the park. To two of us were really just buying time until Ladybug and Blue Jay arrived. Neither of us knew if this was an akuma or faux that created Grey. We didn't want to expand all of our power to get the item and discover it isn't a faux. The best course of action is to wait for the girls.

"How should I know? Don't they usually arrive before both of us?" Dropping out of the tree, I pulled up the phone feature of my nunchucks. The call rang for several seconds before going to voicemail. I quickly left a message for Blue Jay to get down here and bring Ladybug with her.

Meanwhile, Chat Noir was doing his best to fend off Grey. Grey took all of Chat Noir's attacks without defending himself. Only attacking when the cat's guard was down. Sighing at how pointless this was quickly becoming, I jumped into battle once again.


Emi's POV:

"Sorry, Emi. I've got to leave." Marinette ended her phone call, then grabbed her stuff. "Thanks for having me over and for helping with Chole."

Confused, I asked. "Where are you going?"

"To walk the bread and water the birds." Marinette quickly ranted before dashing out the door.

Even more confused by her lame excuse, I followed after her. When I got to the door, no one was there. "Don't worry about her. Panda Mime needs our help." Pixie hovered beside me, tiny arms crossed. She still didn't appear to happy with me yet. "Let's transform." She said, waiting to be stucked into the miralous.

Sighing, I held up my bracelet. "Pixie, Let's Soar!" Once the transformation was complete, I made my way over to the park. Why didn't we know about Grey's attack sooner? This is the second time something like this has happened. Great, another thing to figure out. Calex is going to love this.

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