Preacher Man

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Love is a curious thing, isn't it? It can make the most serious, well-rounded person look like an absolute nutcase, depending on your views of the object of their affections. It doesn't matter to me in my opinion, but some people in this world like to mettle in other's affairs and try to make them look even crazier than they already are. Sure, I like to tell their story and all, but that's different. Anders was that sort of person, especially where other mages were concerned.

"You're staring at me, Anders." Elsa stated one day, running around Kirkwall.

"We're friends, aren't we?" Anders asked.

"I wouldn't call it that." She replied. "You're more like an annoying bird pecking on my head and screeching 'being a mage isn't that bad' and 'why do you hate yourself?' As if you didn't know the consequences of having magic."

"I'm trying to help you, Elsa." He groaned.

"My parents tried to help me too. Instead, they made it worse, but this isn't about that, is it?"

"I just don't understand what you see in him, Elsa."

"Well, he's not as annoying as you. That's a good start." Elsa retorted. "He's easy to talk to, he's strong, he's deep, he's loyal, not to mention he has the most beautiful eyes. You know what they say about beautiful eyes. Not only that, he just... understands me."

"He has let one experience color his whole world." Anders preached. "Surely you would want someone more open-minded."

"You should practice what you preach, Anders." Elsa responded. "Is he not being a hypocrite, brother?"

"Leave me out of this Ellie." Hawke grunted.

"Me too, Ice Queen." I added.

So we continued on through Kirkwall, tension in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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