Chapter 1

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"We're gonna have to make a run for it!" I yelled over the loud roar of the downpour. I looked over to my best friend, Edgar, as he gave a brief nod and scanned the area for the best route to the train station. "No matter how you look at it, we're still going to get soaked."

"I know. On three?" He said with a reluctant sigh.


He clasped our hands together and yelled "Three!" He tugged my arm and we ran through the street to the station.

"You cheater! You didn't give me a countdown!" I huffed.

"I never said I would give a countdown!" Even as I was being pulled behind him and couldn't see his face, I knew he had a smirk on his face.

Edgar and I had been friends ever since our junior year of high school. He's been my one and only friend. I was in the foster system most of my life so I had to constantly move. So I didn't make friends easily and it didn't help that I had the social skills of a sea cucumber. We were now in our Junior year or college and we were still as thick as thieves.

As we waited for the last train of the night to pull into the station, I rung as much water as I could from my hair. At the same time, Edgar peeled his shirt off his body and rung it out. I couldn't help but notice how his muscles moved and flex and how he glistened with moisture from the rain. He also ran a hand through his hair and more water slide from his black locks, onto his neck, and down his back.

I don't know if it was all the smoke I inhaled at the bar but the longer I kept looking at Edgar I started to notice other things.

Before it was just Edgar, a tall lanky guy with similar taste in music and a dark sense of humor. Now I saw his full kissable lips, his beautiful dark brown eyes, and his soft curly black hair. His round, rain-splattered glasses hung low on his long nose, and I had the strange urge to push them up. 

The longer I kept looking at him, the more butterflies I felt in my stomach. He then turned to look at me and I felt a blush creep onto my face. His eyes scanned over my features and they dropped to my chest and lingered there for some time. It took time for me to realize that I was wearing a white t-shirt with a purple bra underneath when we first arrived at the bar, but now the shirt was practically see through.

"Here," Edgar handed me his leather jacket he had placed on the bench behind us. "It's pretty wet, but it better than nothing."

I mumbled out a thanks as the train pulled into the station.

It was pretty late in the night and the train cart we entered was basically empty. Edgar and I still sat side by side the entire ride home.

Our ride was basically spent in silence. It wasn't until we were almost to our stop that Edgar leaned over and whispered "If it makes a difference, you would definitely win in a wet t-shirt contest."

"Hey!" I exclaimed and go to punch him in the arm, but he shot up out of his seat and ran to the train door. When I made it out of the train and managed to catch up with him, he was leaning on a street post.

"I meant that as a compliment."

"Really? The only thing I got out of that was that you're a huge perv." I said as I walked by.

"Come on Ronnie, don't be like that." He ran up to catch up with me, grabbed both my hands in his. He stopped right in front of me and placed our hands over his chest. With his biggest puppy dog eyes, he said, "I sincerely apologize about my behavior. My primitive neanderthal urges took over and led me to make a very uncalled for comment, no matter how correct it is, I shouldn't have made it."

I huffed in response and pulled my hands back and continued walking.

"Please Ronnie, I am really sorry. Don't make me go all the way to campus in soggy clothes."

"Come on, I think you might have some spare clothes at my place." We walked to my apartment in silence for a couple of minutes.

"So you're not mad at me?"

"No, not mad, but you're buying drinks next time we go out."

"That seems fair." He grumbled.

We then made it to my apartment and changed into dry clothes. Edgar practically lived at my place when he wasn't in his dorm, so I had plenty of his clothes and spare toiletries for men laying around.

While Edgar hopped in the showed, I fixed up the couch for him to sleep on. Once he was done, I took a shower and went to bed.

That night as I laid in bed and hoped that he would find his way to my bed and just lay with me with the big brown eye looking at me and telling to me that he's had feeling for me bottled up for 4 long years.

At that moment I knew I was in deep shit. I realized I was in love with my best friend.

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