Looking for Fun! (aka trouble)

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Walking slowly down the barren road, a small boy with a sheep's legs and fluffy hair made his way to find an abandoned gas station to look for treasure, food, or even food and treasure. A demon girl with long straight hair floated by his side, feet just inches above the ground. Slumping over, the bored girl tugged on her skirt, itching to do something entertaining. "Do you even know where we are," the girl asked sarcastically, "or do I need to summon a portal?" The sheep-boy responded overly excited, "I got this, don't worry!"
"That didn't answer my question, Jesse. Don't get too cocky, remember what happened last time?" she asked accusingly. Jesse groaned, "Yes, of course I remember, Ella. I promise this time I won't lead us into a gang of bandits again, though! The gas station should be right up here!" The two continued to follow the road, which curved sharply and had remains of forgotten houses littering the edges. They kept going for a few minutes and came to a four way intersection. Stopping, Jesse looked around, unable to recognize any of the surrounding houses because they were all in shambles. He groaned again and turned to Ella with pouty lips and the best puppy eyes he could manage. "Ella..? Could you pretty please tell me where the gas station is?" She stared at him for a moment with a look of 'really, you're doing this?' before she made an extremely annoyed sound and turned around. She lifted her arms up suddenly, summoning a blood-red colored portal that seemingly led to an endless void. Then, she grabbed Jesse by the wrist and lifted him up before quickly going through the portal and panicking to shut it. Ella floated to stand on the ground and mumbled under her breathe, "if only this town wasn't full of stupid lost souls I wouldn't have to worry..." Jesse looked confused for a moment after being pulled so suddenly through a portal and hearing Ella complain about lost souls, but he soon went back to his normal oblivious smiling self. "We're here! Ella! You-" Ella clasped her hands over his mouth. "Shut up, someone might hear you." She whisper-yelled, then let go and walked closer to the gas station. The gas station, which was a short and flat building, had two mint condition glass doors on the front. All the windows surrounding the door were in perfect shape as well, and through the windows a person could see fully stocked shelves with everything a normal gas station would've had before the apocalypse. It was the only building for miles that was still in good condition. "Why is this still so clean and... not destroyed?" Jesse asked. He walked to the doors of the building and put his hands on the handles. "Wooooah... it's real!"
"Of course it's real, idiot, just don't open the doors yet."
"Why not?"
"You don't even want to know. Just don't."
"Hmm. Hmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm." He touched his chin in thought.
"Jesse please-" Jesse pulled back on the handles and opened the doors. "JESSE-" The sound of her voice was silenced by the sound of wind ripping towards the door, wind which sounded oddly like screams. Jesse was pushed by this sudden wind and fell into the door which now resembled the portal Ella had previously opened, except instead of a blood-red color it was light blue and white, like a sunny day. The doors slammed shut behind Jesse, leaving Ella standing in front of them and staring silently. "You have to be shitting me." She reached out and grabbed one of the doors' handles. Pulling on them as hard as she could, she tried to open them but to no avail. Sighing, she turned around and slumped down against the door, ending up on the ground. "You're so stupid," she said quietly. Around the corner of the gas station, she saw a small flicker of light. "Great. Lost souls." Suddenly a group of human-like creatures made from a dim light came around the corner. Another group came from the other corner, and suddenly Ella was surrounded by a group of the bright wispy beings.

I'm gonna pause it here s o r r y
I'm still getting into the whole "being creative" thing, and between work, video games, and family, I always forget about my stories.

I look forwards to criticism and any suggestions you might have, so please leave a comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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