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today is the weekend, so hoseok invited me to hang out with him.

it's been a week since i didn't got out from my house because i'm all sad and depressed
about him, about jimin. i can't stop thinking about him and it feels like i'm slowly dying
from the endless pain that i've been carrying for weeks. can i least have some break?
because it's shattering me into million pieces.

okay yoo mi that's enough, you're going to ruin your mood today.

i just wore black pants, white top and a gray hoodie, i didn't feel like dressing up today.
i sat on my couch here in living room, i grabbed the remote and turned on the tv
a random show just played about some animals on how they live in this world
by using their animalistic instincts. i just watched the whole show while waiting for hoseok
to arrive and fetch me up here.

if you are wondering why i'm not mentioning about my family,
i'm living alone here, my mom and dad brought me this small house near in my school.
they're working as bussiness man and woman overseas, they're very busy with their work
but they've been never busy to their daughter so that's why i always feel unloved and alone.

*ding dong*

i guess that's hoseok.

i quickly got up from my position and headed to the front door. i placed my hands on the
gold cold door knob and opened it softly, revealing hoseok with his bright smile.

"hi yoo mi."

"h-hello h-hoseok." my words turned into whisper, i guess that's from not speaking and talking
to someone for weeks. suddenly i can feel my face heat up and hoseok seemed to notice it
because he let out a giggle. i felt embarrassed.

"uhm is it okay to you if we go to our dorm? my best friends really want to know and meet you
properly, specially my dongsaengs." he smiled shyly at me, and looked down while twiddling his left
foot on the ground.

"yes of course and it's been a while since i have someone to talk to." i returned my smile on him.

i get back to the living room and turned off the tv and i grabbed my wallet and keys. i unlocked the
house and turned back to hoseok outside his car who opened the passenger's seat and let me in.
i mouthed a thank you to him and we drove off to his dorm.

" please have fun yoo mi. you deserve it. "

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