Tag: I'm it

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CrystallineRoseBush tagged me.

I'm not gonna tag 28 people, okay. That's just annoying.

I'll however tag 12. These are my choices:













1. I have a job, hence why updates are always lacking

2. I nearly died a couple months ago

3. I currently have to share a room with my sister

4. I have no idea how my laptop didn't get destroyed when a tree came like a wrecking ball

5. In one of my books mentions Zane having a pet hamster named Panda, I was referencing a stuff animal I had that was a hamster from a show called Hamtaro

6. I'm a scorpio

7. I am going to be junior in highschool this year

8. Somehow, my sword wasn't damaged when the literally fell on it

9. I'm extremely pale and a brunette

10. I have 7 different things of chapstick

A joke? Really....

Okay, here goes nothing.

About two weeks after the storm, me and my family go to visit our house since we had to leave it because it was deemed unlivable. The first thing I see is a Cards Against Humanity card on the kitchen floor. I pick it up, read it, and put it in my pocket.

The next day, I go into my health class and hand my teacher two things since we were learning about reproduction.

1. A fake plastic fetus        2. The Cards Against Humanity card

The card read 'A botched circumcision'.

She found it funny.

And for the spoiler:

In Little Kitties, Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Gene, Zenix, maybe Sasha, and The Werewolf pack (Blaze, Daniel, Dottie, and Ryland) will come into the story just at different points in time. Also, Travis is not the target.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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