Rhiannon le Fey

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Basic Information

Name: Rhiannon le Fey

Nicknames/aliases: Annon, The Spell Thief

Species: Changeling; polymorph

Age: nearly a thousand years old-- she was born days before the Battle of Killahead, but she appears to be in her mid-to-late teens

Birthday: She doesn't know the exact date, but she "celebrates" it every July 2nd

Status: Alive

Gender: female (might change later on if I can get enough info on the subject I want "Her" to cover)

Relationship status: She has dated fewer people than I have, and I've been in one relationship in all sixteen years of living.

Sexuality: Demiromantic



Body type: hourglass --hhhhh I feel basic af--

Skin: Ivory

Eyes: EverGreen

Hair: overgrown pixie cut, that weird in-between of curly and wavy ( I looked up the technical definition and it came up as kinky... ), it's continually in her face, fully dyed dark auburn; her natural hair colour is mostly a silvery white (will be explained later)

Height: 5'1 (at seldom points in time, I feel the need to make myself feel better about my height by making my characters suffer with me. I'm despicable, I know.)

Clothing: A black pullover hoodie with patches on the arms and hems ("IF YOU CAN READ THIS, YOU'RE TOO DAMN CLOSE."; "My degree of sarcasm depends on your degree of stupidity."; "The good I do is good; the bad I do is LEGENDARY."; etc.), shredded white skinny jeans, and a pair of black leather platform/combat boots.

Jewelry: She has four piercings on each ear, as well as a gold choker with what appears to be a glowing yellow eye in the center.

Other: She has vitiligo, and large parts of her hair and skin are without color-- I told you I would explain.


Height: 6'4, but if she were to fully extend her legs--which are similar to Nomura's -- she'd be closer to 7'4

Skin: obsidian with gold markings that glow different colours triggered by her emotions. She has patchy whitish-silver splotches on her face-- vitiligo-- because her cells still have trouble sustaining melanin levels.

Eyes: Still green, but her sclera turns to a muted yellow, and her iris glows toxically. Her pupils turn into slits as well.

Hair: Her grows to where it's nearly grazing the ground, but she keeps it in a neat braid. However, some of her bangs remain the same length and fall into her face. All color in her human hair form fades, and she's left with her silvery locks.

Outfit: She adorns golden armor that covers her chest and no-no zone ( I actually can't believe I just put that, oH WELL), as well as her shoulders. She is otherwise without armor because it restricts movement, and her troll form is designed for agility. She possesses a hooded green cloak that is positioned at her hips unless she needs to use it; it is bewitched to lengthen to conceal her form.

Jewelry: She possesses the same jewelry, although her choker is now the object in which the hood of her cloak is fastened to.


Interests: the history of trollkind, spell "hunting"-- more like stealing--, self-discovery

Best strengths/ qualities: her emotional empathy, her intellect, her survival instincts, her desire to assist, her would-be devotion to her friends, and her sharp tongue

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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