Of Dungeons, Dragons, and Dreams

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Of Dungeons, Dragons, and Dreams

Tordelmos Stormlord came out of the woods with a slight grin on his face. The reason for this rare facial expression was a sight, a sight as glorious to him as the Forbidden Palace or The Pyramids would be to you or me. This feast for his eyes was the mountain Ynaleeldu, home of the dragon Achsayath. This was the high point of all his work. His sweat and blood had been poured into finding the four keys that would give him access to the mountain, and eventually, Achsayath. Achsayath the Dragon had completely annihilated Tordelmos' home and family, and ever since, Tordelmos has been seeking out the great dragon in order to sake his thirst for revenge. As he was glancing around, the rest of his party stepped out of the forest as well.

The powerful and mysterious Sorithravel Waverider is half Zephyrian, half human, and a superb magician and warrior. Sorithravel Waverider's mother was a Zephyrian, part of a race of people who lived under the sea in a massive city, full of splendor and riches. She was well respected by her people, and had a seat on the royal council. She was also trained in all the martial arts, well, all those that can be learnt underwater. Sorithravel's father was a man, a travelling man, looking for the better things in life. Although this included many seedy taverns, he was looking more specifically for new places and people. Thus, he was immensely pleased when he found the Zephyrians, and eventually, married Sorithravel's mother. Sorithravel grew up as any other Zephyrian would, occasionally visiting her father in the special air filled habitat that had been built for him. Her father trained her in all the weapons of the humans, including the spear, sword, and bow. He also taught her the history and traditions of the surface world. However, this was not something that Sorithravel's mother particularly approved of. She and her father were cast out of the sea, and back onto dry land. Sorithravel was familiar with such concepts as walking and gravity from working with her father, and he still served as a guide to her as they made their way inland. Sadly he died in a few months because his lungs were so accustomed to the special air the Zepyrians had made, that he couldn't properly breathe fresh air again. Her spear, Verrdeylu (which translates as "Bringer of Death to Ice Trolls") has won many fights without even bloodying its blade. Sorithravel also has a degree of control over water, due to her Zephyrian heritage, as well as the ability to use several other types of spells. One of her strongest characteristics is her ability to survive in both land and sea. Her smooth body allows for quick movement, and her gills and fins let her move proficiently in and around the sea. She met with Tordelmos after having lived on her own for several years. By this time, she had completed several quests of her own.

Following closely behind Sorithravel came Brutus Earthshaker, a powerful behemoth of a man who left his desert home to join Tordelmos. Brutus Earthshaker was a great man among his people, who lived in what we might call Africa. His family lived in a great desert, and was travelling almost all the time. They had many pack animals, so Brutus' father was glad to hand the reigns to Brutus when he came of age. However, as the years progressed, more and more of the animals died, and more and more of the luggage was being put on Brutus' back. He grew into a massive hulk of a man, and killed many beasts with his own strength, but he also used homemade halberds, spears, and clubs. One day, he and his family happened on a train of merchants who had met a hapless fate at the hands of the desert winds. Within the remains, he found a ball and chain, which he trained with until he had mastered it, and it soon became his favorite weapon. As the ball and chain began to rust, he experimented with more rope/rock combinations. He was constantly creating a new weapon, until he was found by Tordelmos, at which point, he was able to, ah, "borrow" a masterfully crafted ball and chain from a respected blacksmith. His great strength was greatly appreciated by Tordelmos and proved life saving on more than one occasion in their long journey. He is donned in the skin of a giant lion, which was killed by his hands, and he is indeed a fearsome sight to behold.

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