Chapter 2

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"Surely it'll have to be this time!" Aiden declared, as he pushed Benji as high as he possibly could. Determination was scrawled across Benji's chubby face, as he focused intently on making the 360 loop around the tree branch, not knowing that there was actually zero chance of that happening. Aiden knew there was no chance, but he didn't let on. He was keeping the dream alive. After many unsuccessful attempts later they mutually agreed to have a break and enjoy some once cold Coca Cola, that Benji had secretly smuggled out of dad's beer fridge. Watching them bond was cute, but I quickly shoved the thought out of my mind. Aiden wasn't my boyfriend, I'd only just met the guy.

Hating to seperate them and hating that this day was coming to an end, I knew I had to get Benji back to our boat for dinner.

"Hey Benj, its time to head back. C'mon the sun is setting and dad will be over in the dinghy any minute." I said, outstretching my hand towards him.

Not responding immediately, he weighed his options, knowing that coming with me now was his only available one. A playful gleam flickered in his eyes as he replied, "well i'm only coming if I can hang out with Aiden tomorrow."

"Umm i'm not too sure buddy, Aiden's a grown man I don't know if he wants to spend his day hanging out with you." I responded, glancing towards Aiden for some support.

Flashing what seems to be his trademark boyish grin, Aiden smiled, "Hey dude of course, lets say the same place and same time tomorrow?"

That was good enough for Benji and he began to walk down to the waters edge where he would wait for me to join him. I looked at Aiden, not entirely sure what to say or what I should say. As if seeing my uncertainty he began to close to the distance between us, only stopping when he was about a metre from me.

"Well," he started, as he leant forward grabbing my hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it, "an honour to meet you and your young knight my lady, what an interesting day."

"And who said chivalry is dead," I giggled.

Before I managed to turn towards my brother, Aiden placed his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"I do hope it's not just your brother I see tomorrow," he grinned, meaning every word. I nodded in reply and made my way to where Benji was waiting with my father in the dinghy.

I hadn't even been on the boat for 30 seconds when my sister shoved me into my cabin, shutting the door behind us. "Ok spill. Every detail right now," Katie demanded as she sat down on the edge of my bed. She must've been watching us from the boat I thought. Groaning, I surrendered. I explained everything. From roaming up and down the beach by myself (which she scolded me and told me to hurry to the good parts), to sitting down at the bar only to find a cute stranger had appeared in there just after I did.

"Omg! He soooo followed you in there!!" She squealed.

"Do you want to hear the rest of it or not?" I scowled at her. Nodding her head, she kept her mouth shut as I continued the story. Her eyes were wide in disbelief by the time I had reached the end. She had laughed about Benji running in, and told me he had just known I would be at the bar and that dad thought it would be hilarious to drop him off to ruin my peace and quiet.

"Uhh," she exhaled, as she flopped onto her back, "why can't I meet Prince Charming at a shabby old bar."

"Woah woah, hang on there missy. A, you are too young for "prince charmings" and B. he is not Prince Charming, he is just a cute stranger who was polite enough to talk to the lonely girl at the bar," I shrugged. Not knowing whether I was trying harder to convince Katie or to convince myself. At that Katie rolled her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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