You're all I know. Chap 1

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Leighton's POV  

I was twirling my kinda darkish brown hair in my right hand while doodling in my notebook with my left hand. Gosh whoever made school this boring must have hated younger people, im not saying kids because I'm NOT a kid. Im sixteen well I just turned sixteen a few months ago. And only me, and my bestie's Bailey and Kaylee were there to celebrate, well and my brother Landon. My parents are obsessed with helping kids who don't have parents, hmm sounds like a girl I know. A girl like me.  

When the bell finally rang I just grabbed my notebook, purple binder thing, and pencil and ran out of the classroom to my locker, then to my final destination the lunchroom. See I have a high metabolism and so I'm always hungry, and can eat like everything but I never gain a pound. I even ate all junk food with the most calories and fat for a week and I maybe gained a pound but then it disappeared. Im not thin, like bad thin but a good thin. Like the perfect weight. Well anyways I bought two lunches that filled my ugly red tray and went to the table I usually ate at. Bailey and Kaylee were already there. The thing was Leah was a popular girl, which made me and Bailey popular to, even though we don't act like jerks Kaylee's brother, Blake, does. Bailey is dating Cole, which is one of the popular guys, but he is more quiet and conserved. He talks but not that much, well to Bailey yes because all they do now is talk to each other or make out or go hang out. Gah I get so off track easily. 

I was finishing my first bowl of macaroni and cheese when I see someone sit next to me, and judging by his smell I can only guess who it is. But even though he looks at me and tells me he wants me, I only roll my eyes and turn and talk to his sister Kaylee. Kay sees him next to me and smirks. 

"Still cant get her to look at you oh lovely brother?" 

"Ha-ha Lee. She wont give me a chance so its not my fault." I roll my eyes again. Idiot. I wont give him a chance because he is a player, a man-whore, whatever you want to call it. I will NEVER give him a chance. He only wants me in bed. To bad, not going to happen. 

"Hey dummy," I turn and look at you and im not affected by his looks because I am at his house everyday after school. "You should try not having girls over every night. Just because I'm in the room across the hall doesn't mean I can't hear." I smirked while he frowned, and the few people who were listening 'ooh'ed at him or said 'burn'. 

"Well I can have any girl I want. I don't need just one to chase." The smirk appeared on his face again. 

"So your admitting that you want me?" And this is when my older brother came up and squished himself between me and Blake. I smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder. Landon smiled back and hugged me then turned to Blake. Ooh this will be good. 

"What did I tell you? Do you need another punch Blake? My sister is OFFLIMITS by players like you. Got it Hastings?" 

"Whatever dude. I can have any chick why would I want your sister?" 

"Have you seen her? This is why she is off limits. I need to protect my sweet little 5' 5", brown haired, baby faced, sweet little light greened eyed, baby sister." I rolled my eyes and shoved Landon playfully. "So how was school little sis?" 

"The usual. Teachers talking, me doodling in my notebook not paying attention. I don't know how I pass anything anymore." I said as I stood up to out my tray away but I heard some snickers. When I got rid of that I went to my locker and got my binder, notebook, pencil, and my textbook for my next class.  

I came back into the cafeteria and sat back down between my brother and Leah. I pulled out my notebook and opened to a new page and just looked outside and then looked back down to the paper and my hand started moving. That's the thing. My hand moves when I don't even know what inspired me. I don't even know what I'm drawing till my hand stops. I noticed Landon was looking at my paper and I just moved my head till my hair covered the paper. I was very self conscience of my drawings but when I'm dancing I don't care who sees. I never said I was normal. But I'm not crazy, well maybe a smidge.  

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