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They walked slowly and steadily scanning the forest and then looking at each other with worried looks, as they got closer harry started to shake and became more aware of the dangerous that he had once faced in his childhood and they now stepped in under the first tree of the forest, hagrids hut not far behind. they walked in re thinking all the memories the reason they are here now together! harry closed his eyes and took a breath in and let his memories free, the good , the bad!

Then they came to the middle of the dark forest and no light shone in. they searched and searched until they found a part of Luna's gorgeous lion dress. They looked around that area and there was no sign of Luna.

Ron suggested that we go to bed but everyone disagrees and we carry on, then hermione and Ginny get out there phone and calls Luna and there was no sound of her phone...

Then we hear a scream and them a shout


Could it be.....

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