Part five

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We all follow Barrett deep into the woods, once in a while, he mumbles to himself, but all in all, he seems in the same boat as we are, I'm thinking maybe he really is our uncle. We go deeper and deeper until we reach a small shack, it's covered in ivy and the windows are boarded shut.
"This looks like the crap we see on horror movies." Yanu whispers.
Barrett opens the front door and it squeaks open, we all walk in and see rather disturbing photos of people, they're all sleeping. Barrett plops down on an old couch in the family room and dust comes out, clouding the whole room up. There's a dark brown coffee table in front of the couch and an old t.v, unsure wether it's broken or not, I switch it on, only to see static. I flip threw a few more static channels before I turn it back off again.
"Why do you have that tv if it doesn't even work?" I ask
"Well It used to work."
"Then maybe you should fix it sometime."
"Or maybe you can shut up and look at this map!" He raises his voice and pulls out a big paper map, I huddle with everyone else to get a look, the map looks similar to ours back at our hideout.
"It's areas, the areas in which your mother and father's money may be." He said to Fin and I.
"We already searched there, there, there, and there, and nothing." I pointed all the areas we already went through.
"Clever, but did you search all of those areas?"
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't look inside or under buildings, in sewers, in trash, EVERYWHERE?"
"N-no we di-"
"Didn't think so."
We kept looking at the map until something caught in my mind, I remember my parents once saying something about the cash in the cab, now the only thing the referred to as "cab" was their private jet, which they donated back to their company, if that "cash" happens to be what I think it is, then it's in the family's company building, in the safe, in dad's office. I told everyone else about this and since it was getting dark and we haven't slept very much, we were going to wait until tomorrow night to go for it.
The next morning, we slept in until about 11:30 and we were wide awake. We went over the plans repeatedly and went over roles, we reenacted the situation, and got maps from the internet, which is confusing considering he doesn't even have tv. It was about 5:30pm until we decided to start our walk down there, which was about a four hour walk if we were stealthy. We had to evade police, some chefs we've stolen from, and more and more people, but we were safe once we got there because it was pitch black then, so we all pulled our masks on and approached a window. Pretty much the plan was that Yanu and I sneak through the back, Izzy climbs through the window we came to earlier and hijacks control over the cameras, and Fin, doing his best, he distracts, but this one he's been planning and thinking about for almost two years now, just for a situation like this. He was going to act as himself, and that doesn't make sense so let me explain: I won't be with him, so he has no brother, or sister, or parents. He's going to act as himself, being the lost child looking for some place to stay, and his act relies on begging for shelter to the front counter person, if there is one.
    We get into our positions, I hug Fin just in case we get separated, "I'll  be fine Shawn, the most they could do is send me away."
     "The most they can do is call the police, but that'd be stupid."
     "I'll be fine, you have the hard job, I just have to make a dramatic scene and make sure I take long, easy stuff."
     I pat him on the back and walk over to Yanu, who is going through his sweet collection of lockoicks.
     "Which one will do it?"
     He holds up a silver piece of metal with a plastic covering the tip, "this one, I'm trying to figure out which one will open the safe, it is safe, right?"
     "I'd think so."
    "Stainless steel?"
     "It's a lot of money, so maybe."
     "Ok, what brand, maybe?"
     "I don't know, man."
     Yanu sighs, "I don't know what I'd do without you." He smirks and walks off to talk to Izzy, you could almost consider them a "thing", they're almost the same age, just a year apart, but they don't think of it that way, they think of it as being friends and that only, but I think there's more to that story, so I leave them alone. I walk over to Barrett, who was staring at the building, "what's your part of the plan?"
"I will be your guide, I know this place from top to bottom, I have these little microphones, and the only reason I haven't done this myself is because, well I'm only one man." Barrett snorts and hands me a handful of ear pieces, "would you be a pal and hand these to everyone?"
As asked of me, I hand them to everyone, and so we're all ready for action, and I'm scared out of my wits.

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