Losing Myself

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The season was coming to an end. Crisp air and a soft breeze that barely kissed your face. Red, orange, and yellow was all that surrounded me as it crunched beneath my feet. The sun was my only warmth, barely peeking through the trees while animals scurried acrossed the autumn forest floor.

Even though I was in such a serene environment, my shadows followed and taunted me with every step. Every path I took, they followed; no matter how bright the light was at the end of the tunnel. It was never ending.

I dread turning every corner, cautious of what awaits for me around the bend. My anger runs down with my cheeks as I close my eyes tightly. This is my happy place, I should be smiling. I clutch my sides as I silently sob and watch the shadows grow. I'm kneeling to the forest floor from these creatures. Sweat drips from my forehead as I refuse to look at the now grotesque scene.

The heartless wind blows across me, causing me to shiver and turn to ash. I'm trying to focus on the lucid sky as the shadows begin to embrace me and swallow me whole. My memories are being overtook.

I once again find myself on my feet, shaking and unsteady, yet each step being so graceful and light as the dirt is kicked up. The clouds look down upon me shamelessly; even they won't shed their tears. I catch myself clenching my fist, only leading to remember that this is no place to bring my anger.

I'm condemned in my own mind, fighting to tell what's up from down and left to right. My mind is the real hell, I'm the devil creating my own demons.

My steps come to a hault as i set my focus on the young girl ahead of me. She's smiling. My mind is aching as i try to fight for my memories, the good ones of course, but that seems to be my everyday struggle. My heartbeat quickens as I watch her slowly. steadily. she turns with such precision. I feel myself regain from my cold sleeping spirit while I try to catch glimpse of her face. I struggle to fathom the identity of this young girl, but it's too late before she evaporates into the heavy air.

I'm overwhelmed with sorrow as I feel like I've just watched the death of a friend. The constant feeling of being empty. I'm standing where she once stood, trying to understand what she could've felt. I used to know these feelings, but I became lost. There were no shadows surrounding this girl, just mine. Am I what scared her away?

The wind is whispering in my ear as the damp air dances up my nose. I swear its calling my name. I continue my journey when I stumble upon something laying on the ground. It's covered with the dead grass and leaves that have encircled me. I wipe it clear and read the plaque enforced in the ground. I fall backwards as I try to grasp the truth.

That girl, was me. She held my memories; only the good. She was a memory. My demons swallowed me whole, I lost my battle. Now, I continue to live my nightmare everyday. I thought this would be my escape, but you can't rid yourself of the truth...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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