Chapter One

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Hey! Before you start to read this wonderful peice of work I need to credit someone! Thank you to Hamotzi on Tumblr for giving me somewhere to jump off from with your wonderful comic. Said comic can be found here!
Just copy and paste it somewhere to read it! By the way, you should probably read it! READ IT.

That being said, this fic is not a carbon copy of the comic and a couple things have been altered slightly to fit my own self serving pepsicola needs. Lastly, nothing! Just start reading already!

You've known Dave for as long as you can remember. If 'as long as' means since you were 11 that is. The thing is though, you've never seen him face to face. Sure, lots of texting and numerous video calls are great but you can't wait to actually meet him.

You guys met originally, along with Rose and Jade, through Sburb. Sburb is a huge MMO that you all have been playing for over 10 years, if you were wondering. Dave was the first person you met though.

It's almost like it was yesterday. Not really, but that kind of sounds like the right thing to say. So you had just gotten your copy of Sburb in the mail and you barely got past the loading screen. One of the main things you remember is how cool the character customization screen was. After a few minutes of furiously moving the sliders left and right you were in the game, and looking for someone to go on your first quest with. You then spotted someone in the crowd of new players. A tall pale boy wearing ironic shades and red pajamas. turntechGodhead was about to be your new best friend. Or so you decided.

You walked up to him and struck up a conversation, getting through the first basic levels with him at your side. You guys made some small talk and added each other as friends before getting called, by your dad, for dinner. You said a quick goodbye and ran to tell your dad all about the new friend you made. He nodded and smiled as you told him of the in game adventures you and TG had, as you cleverly nicknamed him. Only one parting word of advice was given from him as you guys cleared the table. Don't give strangers on the internet your personal information John!

I mean, good parenting dad, no doubt, but three years later after a particularly long session of playing with TG he asked for your number so you guys could keep talking after you had to sign off for the night. Dads words echoed in your head and your hand hovered over the keyboard. Your heart stuck in your throat and you casually typed 'sure!' like you weren't scared out of your mind. It wasn't really a huge deal but at the time it seemed like one. You guys haven't stopped talking since.

Not too long after you and TG started texting you got his real name as well. Dave Strider sure had a nice ring to it.

Rose and Jade came in a couple of weeks after that. You and Rose had played quite a few matches together, seeing as you two were neighbors. And you knew Jade a little bit before the four of you started playing together regularly. A couple of hours quickly turned into laughing until you were crying late at night in the group chat. The four of you have grown up together.

Over the years you have affectionately dubbed the three of them your best friends. Though something changed a couple years ago. You and Dave had been talking and playing Sburb a lot more than usual and you were opening up about your problems a bit. You were both finishing highschool and sending out applications for college. Not to mention Dave was moving. You both ultimately helped each other not die through finals and more, and you grew much closer. Close enough to blush when he gave you complements. Close enough to want to tell him how you felt but getting too scared to send every time you typed it out.

Though a couple months after you both graduated, one thing led to another and as you left to grab some lunch he sent you a heart. Just a little '<3' but your face was probably warm enough to fry an egg. You quickly responded, first with a little surprised face emoji, and then a little heart of your own. Two days later, and an hour of talking about what that heart entailed, you were officially boyfriends. And you have been since. Well almost since.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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