Just a little "get to know you"

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Photo credit: Yoshi on her ninth birthday.

As of writing this (12 June 2018) I am a twenty-one-year-old college student. I go to my local community college and hope to start working as a freelance artist once I have a little more free time.

I'm working towards my dream of being a video game designer. While I do hope to make my own games I intend to work professionally as a character designer (and other assets).

I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (which I just now realized is one letter of from the ASDF internet series) and I fall on the high-functioning end of that spectrum. As with most on the spectrum, I have a "hyper-focus", a topic I am very obsessed with/consider a part of my identity. This topic is the manga (and anime) called "Naruto" by Masashi Kishimoto, so expect to see a lot of that here.

My interests include:
Animals (namely dogs)
Anime (my current top seven are Naruto, One Punch Man, the original Pokémon, Zatch Bell [does anyone even remember them?], in/specter, cells at work, and Fruits Basket [my first manga, which is now being reprinted!])
Digital painting
Video games

As shown I have a doggo named Yoshi. She is a very good girl. I also used to have a Labrador Retriever named Lucky, who passed away three years ago (as of 2018). She was a good girl too.

I also have three fish named "Frankenfish" (because he has a pigment mutation that makes him greenish), "Sir Bubbly" (looks like he has a monocle), and "Fisch" (I was tired when I named him)

I love the summer and tropical climates, I love the water, I love the rain and the snow in winter (don't like the cold as much), and I love watching the clouds.

I'm not great with people but I always give people the benefit of the doubt and always look for their silver lining. I try to help others whenever I can.

I have clinical depression and have been through several episodes. I know the struggle of climbing out of the pit of despair with no one to help you, and I swore to myself I'd never let anyone go through it alone if I could help it. So far I've been good about holding myself to that promise.

I enjoy the simple things in life, and I try to appreciate them often. It helps with the depression a tiny bit.

I'm not afraid to write about sensitive topics, but I also know that these are real struggles for people and so any book and chapter that covers such topics will contain links to help sites and phone numbers for those topics at the top and bottom of the description/title as well as a trigger warning.

Chapters after those containing sensitive material will have a brief summary of the previous chapter omitting the sensitive material and replacing it with a fitting alternate description so that those who do not wish to read the chapter can still follow along in the story.

I tend to write happy endings but that doesn't mean there won't be struggle and pain. So take that into consideration.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed (as is open discussion) if you feel something could be changed. I'm not perfect and I believe you can always improve yourself.

That's all really. I try to be positive, try to help others, I just want to write fun stories that may or may not entertain you for a while. I hope you have a great day and many great days to come.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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