Chapter 9

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We pulled up outside a building and I eyed it suspiciously as I noticed all the cars and the paparazzi. I furrowed my eyebrows and I watched as Liam and Zayn got out the car. I mimicked their actions and I looked down at my white button up shirt and dark skinny jeans. I noticed people walking around in fancy suites and ties and I felt a bit under dressed.

Zayn waved me to follow them and  I did as I kept looking around. We kept away from all the flashing lights and we went to another entrance where people were stood chatting and waiting.

"What is this anyway?" I asked Liam and Zayn and Liam opened the envelope and passed me a white piece of paper. I scanned over all the words and then my eyes widened as I looked up at the two smirking lads in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" I gasped and they both nodded sheepishly. "Oh my god! I love you guys so much!" I squealed as I threw my arms around the both of them and hugged them. I couldn't believe they managed to get tickets for the Photographer 2014 exhibition. A room filled with all the best pictures which the most famous photographers had taken and I would be one of the few hundreds of people who get to see them.

We waited patiently in line and finally when the woman standing by the door called next, I smirked walking up to her and giving her my ticket. She examined it quickly and then looked up at me with a smile.

"Enjoy you're evening." And with a quick thank you I walked inside and waited for Liam and Zayn. Once they were left through we started walking down the hallway and then we entered a brightly lit room, the walls all white and covered with pictures.

We started to slowly look around and we stared at each photo for about ten minutes each as Zayn and I commented on them since we knew what we were talking about and Liam just threw in a 'it's nice' or 'what is this even meant to be?'. We stood in front of one picture and Liam had tilted his head to the side trying to make sense of what he was looking at as Zayn and I chuckled.

"Champagne?" A deep voice asked behind us making us all jump. We all spun around and looked at the man dressed in all black, holding a tray full of tall glasses with fancy alcohol in it. I smiled at him as I gently got a glass, scared that moving to quick would cause the man to drop the tray and Zayn and Liam mimicked my actions.

Sipping on our champagne we continued to the next picture which had me rolling my eyes. I stared at his curly hair and at his eyes which were pretty much mesmerizing. Then I looked at the other model standing next to him who I knew as Niall Horan. I continued to study the picture until a deep and husky voice made me jump.

"Like what you see?" He whispered and I spun around to come face to face with Harry. I rolled my eyes at the smirk which was tugged at his lips and I crossed my arms.

"What are you doing here?" I spat and he chuckled.

"All models are invited to the exhibition." He grinned and I huffed.

"Stay away from him!" Zayn snapped as Harry took a step closer to me. The models eyes widened and he took a large step back with wide eyes.

"Someone is overprotective." He mumbled but before Zayn could reply another voice was calling.

"Harry?" An Irish accent then rang in my ears and I turned around to look at the blond who was walking towards us. "Oh, hi." He smiled extending his arm towards me. "Niall Horan." He said as I took his hand.

"Louis Tomlinson and this is Zayn and Liam" I smiled, shaking his hand.

"Oh! So you're Louis then! Harry described you perfectly." He grinned and I gazed at Harry to see his cheeks tint pink. Is he actually blushing?

"Um..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. 

"Harry speaks very fondly of you." Niall said and I scoffed.

"By the way he talks to me you would think he hates me." I muttered but everyone heard and Harry just lowered his head.

I watched as Niall went to open his mouth again and say something else when Harry quickly covered his mouth with his hands. "I think that's enough now Niall." He said as his gaze locked with mine. He just stared at me for a bit and then he cleared his throat. "I thing we need to talk." Harry said, gazing at Zayn who was shooting daggers at Harry. "Alone." He added.

"Um no! You don't." Zayn said but I looked up at him and smiled slightly letting him know it's ok and with a huff he waled off with Liam and Niall.

"What do you want?" I snapped, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Why didn't you answer my last message?" Harry wondered.

"I've learnt that if I don't have anything nice to say, not to say anything at all. It seems like you've missed that life lesson." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. I though we were just play fighting at first but then I took it too far." He frowned as he took a step closer to me.

"Yes you did." I answered taking a step back.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked, his voice a lot lower and huskier. I gulped as he got closer and I moved back again only to hit the wall.

"No." I whispered as he pressed his body against mine.

"That's a shame. Call me when you have." He whispered down my ear as he nibbled on my ear lobe and I felt his hand snake around my body as he slipped his hand in my back pocket. He slowly pulled back with a content smile on his face and then with a small peck on the cheek and a grin he walked away.

I quickly fished the paper out of my back pocket and rear the numbers which were scribbled down before smiling. Well fuck, I have a models number now.

A/N: Unedited! 

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