Chapter 2

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Hi guys just chipping in today to say that when I write like this it means that is a flashback. Thanks! (right now no-one has read my story, but whatever) >.<

Dan ran, he ran like his heart depended on it. He wouldn't go back, never going back. He glanced back, the house was shrinking into a small dot, but he was still drawing closing, whoever he was. He turned back, the memory of his mum's shining, tearful eyes still stung in his mind.

"Run, just run. Don't stop Daniel, don't let him get you."

the sound of the bullet striking his mum's heart echoed in his brain, Dan stumbled. He frantically tried to pick himself off the floor, finally scrambling to his feet and turning to run. But those few seconds had cost him, a hand grabbed at his collar. The man swung Dan around to face him, the grinning psychotic face against the innocent, terrified one. The man licked his lips and took out a knife.

"Did you think you could run little Danny? Think you could escape me?" He lent forward "Well guess what? No one can escape me, and no one can escape my knife." He raised the knife, Dan tried to tear himself free but to no avail. The man began to bring his knife down, the look in his eyes a clear sign of mania. Then he stopped. He dropped to the floor, behind him a man stood holding a gun with smoke curling from it.

Dan stared at him, too shocked by the face of death to do any thing. The man rushed forward and took him by the shoulders.

"Are you okay? Of course you're not okay. I'm so sorry, I wish I could have come earlier but-"

"Why didn't your gun have a gun-shot."

The man stared at Dan, caught off guard. After all all of his family had just been murdered and he just had a close brush with death.

"It's just a special gun. Anyway, we need to find a place for you to stay." He took out his phone. "I'll look for a place just stay here-"

"It's not just a special gun though, to make a gun that quiet would take a master craftsman, also that phone isn't-"

Dan was cut off by a look, ashamed he looked to his feet.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I do that. It distracts me from..." He made a gesture with his hand. The man gave Dan a hard stare.

"Be a minute" he said and turned to have a conversation on his phone. Dan looked at his feet, he had to stuff everything up didn't he. Couldn't keep his bloody mouth shut, could he. He had lost everything he had and now had probably lost everything he was going to have. He made an effort not to cry, it was hard. He wasn't exactly the person to keep it cool in a sad situation.


Dan looked up, the man was looking at him with a broad smile.

"I think I found a place for you," the man said. He seemed generally excited. Dan stared at him, he didn't seem to be lying. "It may answer your questions about my gun, and my phone. So what you say?"

Dan stayed silent for a minute, this random man wants him to go with him. Stranger danger much? But then again, he had saved his life...

"Yes." Dan said. After all, what did have to lose.

"Brilliant, come on then." He turned and began to walk, then stopped and looked back. "by the way, I never caught your name."

"I'm Dan."

"Lukas." He said and twirled around. Dan grinned and rushed after him. Unaware of what he was getting himself into.

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