Chapter 4, Part 2: A War

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(Told by Derek)

(Year 2017 : Drake Village)

I walked to the outskirts of the village, with a handful of flowers. After walking some large distance, I made it to a large rock with text engraved into it. Winston and Leroy's memorial stone. I made this back in 2008, when Winston was murdered. Since I didn't know exactly what Drake did with the bodies, I came up with the idea to make them a memorial shrine to honor their lives.

I placed the flowers on the stone and knelt in front of it. "Well Leroy, Winston, I'm officially 20. If you were here, I know you'd wish me a happy birthday, and we'd probably have a couple drinks. I just hope that I am meeting your expectations, even if you are in the afterlife. Drake is still here and so is his son. I've realized he's been moping around, and his wife and other son are no longer around, which leads me to believe that they're dead. I will avenge you guys, somehow, I promise. So... I guess that's it. I hope you're having a great afterlife... Bye."

I got up and rubbed the dust off of my robe, when all of a sudden I heard thunder rolling.
I peered behind me and noticed a large thunderstorm coming towards my village. That's not good. The thunder will attract zombies... A lot of zombies, perhaps a mega horde. I got to get there and warn the locals!
So then I ran. I ran as quickly as possible to the village. Thank the Gods and Goddesses that I've been doing hardcore training for agility and endurance. It paid off indeed, as I got there in a matter of minutes. Then I saw it. On the horizon, was a large horde of zombies, six or seven deep. The horde was very close and approaching.
Not enough time to tell everyone to get inside, what to do, what to do... Then it hit me. I didn't do this for a long time. I rushed into my house. I opened up the false floor and pulled out the Man in Black alter ego from it. It was a bit small and tight for my body, even though I am slender, so I ripped holes into the back of the robe and ripped the sleeves off as well. I put on the robe and scarf and grabbed my sword.

I got outside and it started to rain. I didn't really care though, so I ran through the streets and killed the zombies that were threatening the villagers. The reactions from the villagers though were opposite of what I was expecting. Many of the villagers screamed in terror when they saw me and I saw one crossing their heart, hoping I won't kill them. Thanks Drake.

I went to turn the corner when a group of zombies appeared in front of me. I then went to turn around and more zombies were there. I was trapped. I'm going to die, I thought. All of a sudden, a bolt of lightning struck my sword and I started to float.

"Derek, hey."
I recognized that voice.
"Leroy!?" I said.
"And Winston!" said Winston.
"We are here to answer your prayer. Happy birthday friend."
Then my sword was glowing and it began to change. The sword went from it's rookie appearance, to a sword that looked as if a master bladesmith had spent years forging it.
"We'll always be here, in your sword, and I think you'll like what we did to it." Winston said.

After that, a huge blast of energy radiated from it and I dropped to the ground. At the same time, I heard a scream. It was Drake. I was sure he died when all of a sudden,
He must've injured himself during the battle with the mega horde, thanks guys. That serves him right.
"Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm surrounded by zombies!" I yelled. My sword shook in my hand and all of a sudden, it grew about three times it's original size! Oh, I get it. My favourite legend. Kills all the zombies in one swoop of his sword. I then swung my sword as quickly as I can. The sword was surprisingly light and razor sharp and it indeed killed all the zombies in one swoop. "Awesome!" I said. The moment of awesomeness was ended with another scream from Drake and more zombies were approaching. I have to escape, or else I'll die... Bye village, we've had better times. I closed my eyes and took in a breath of air. Then I started the sprint through the eye of the horde.

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