Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple Cidar Vinegar?? Ewwww! Yupp. But it sure does have a lot of positive things. Check it out!

1) Rinse your hair with it to get rid of built up shampoo

2) Use it as a hair mask to get rid of lice . . . .

3) Apply as a toner to get rid of achne

4) With a q-tip that is spoaked in Apple Cider Vinegar, apple on dark spots and black heads

5) Half a cup of of Apple Cider Vingear, half a cup of aloe vera gel, or a thick moisturizer, 1/4 cup of flour and 1/4 cup of baking soda, mixed together will make a thick paste that can be used as a face mask. This will even out your skin tone. Rinse after twenty minutes.

6) Soak your feet in Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of athletes foot and to avoid it. Then rub a lemon wedge and lotion

7) 1 or 2 tablespoons into water or apple juice will help with diareah

8) Gargle 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/4 cup of water to get rid of sore throat

9) Mix 1 tablespoon of orange juice with 2 tablespoons of Apple Cidar Vinegar tonfade age marks. Apply with Q-tips

10) Apply Apple Cider Vinegarin the in er corner of your eye ** where the vein is** and it will reduce the looks of blue veins!

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