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FESS Suit: Tim Burling

T 0022:34:24

Tim Burling: "What are you still doing here?"

Zachary Vasiliev: "Just looking at the islands."

Tim Burling: "And you've been doing that since morning. Everyone is asleep because they stayed up all night finshing the base. Why are you still awake?"

Zachary Vasiliev: "I've been thinking about something."

Tim Burling: "I know that because you've been here for hours. What can you possibly be thinking about? I hope it's not something stupid."

Zachary Vasiliev: "Well, you know that one story, where a guy is stranded in a mysterious world, and he has to build flying machines to get around, because the world was made of floating islands?"

Tim Burling: "No. That sounds stupid."

Zachary Vasiliev: "Well, I'm going to do it anyway."

Tim Burling: "Of course you are. But I'm still advising against trying to build a plane while we are trapped on an alien world."

Zachary Vasiliev: "I'm going to damn try."

FESS Suit: Sarah Wu

T: 0024:02:34

Alison Walker: "Alright guys. I hope we all had a good nap in our new base, great job on that by the way. Now it's time for a group briefing for our plan of survival. First, we are strained on resources, but we managed to complete both the base and the tower; good work on that. Second, is about our survival plan. We are going to hunker down in the base and ration our food until rescue arrives. It's a simple plan, but one that should get us home. Everyone got that? Good."

Sarah Wu: "Hey, can you help me with something?"

Ryan Degel: "Sure."

Sarah Wu: "You just need to help me with the signal tower. I'll give you instructions."

Ryan Degel: "Sounds easy enough. How does it work?"

Sarah Wu: "It's simple. The tower is to boost signal strength and the receiver picks up radio waves and-"

Bailey Johnson: "This is...captain...orbit...organizing...rescue team...soon."

Ryan Degel: "Holy crap. It worked."

Sarah Wu: "Of course it worked. We are being rescued."

FESS SUIT: Zachary Vasiliev

T 0048:52:35

Tim Burling: You're throwing paper airplanes now?"

Zachary Vasiliev: "Yup. I got the basic shape down, but I still need to adjust the wing to be able to steer. I don't think the current one will stand."

Tim Burling: "You do realize you are basically throwing resources down into the abyss, right?"

Zachary Vasiliev: "Ryan said I could use them. Left over junk material from the printer."

Tim Burling: "I still think it's a waste of resources that could be used for our survival goals instead."

Zachary Vasiliev: "I still think it's a good cause. See that massive island over there? I'm aiming for that one. Should have plenty of material there."

Tim Burling: "Depends on if you can even get there. It would be easier just to wait for rescue. They would probably arrive before you get anything airborne."

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