Chapter one- First impression

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  I am looking at my watch...pff I have so many things to do again. Let's see my agenda, I have a day full of meetings, mmm wait. Today the new employ is coming, hmm maybe this will be a nice distraction from the heavy workload.
Someone is knocking at my door. What time is it? Maybe is the new employee?
-come in please.
Oh there she is. It will be difficult to concentrate with this beauty in front of me. All I can do is just thinking of the numerous ways that I can make her scream from pleasure. I wanna hold her from behind, grab all her hair in a ponytail and start kissing her neck...back... oh I have to stop... one thing is sure I am never gonna watch another movie that Cassidy suggests me. Fifty shades of gray is too much for me I have plenty imagination on my own I don't need any of this. I left a grin escape me when I am thinking the fifty shades of Gabriel that I want to play with her. She will be the perfect candidate...
I explain her about her position. I show her her workstation and I introduce her to her colleague Matt.
- I am leaving you in good hands. Sorry I have plenty of meetings to attend to. Don't hesitate to come find me for ANYTHING you need.
(Yeah girl anything you need... and I hope soon all that you need will be me)
... it is already late. I have to go to Starlite to find the others. As I go out of my office I see that she is still here. She is to occupy with her pc and she doesn't notice me. I spent five minutes just looking at her before she realizes that I am standing here.
-still here miss Claire?
I continue staring at her. Damn this woman is like a magnet I can't take my eyes from here. What is wrong with me?
-oh yes, I was just finishing
-I am leaving for the Starlite. Come with me
Yes girl don't look at me this way. I will make you to obey me in things that you can't imagine, consider this as a simple demonstration!
We get into the elevator and I am finding her watching me a little strange. Is it my idea or she thinks something inappropriate right now? Oh, girl that's promising. Wait till you find out what I am thinking... Let's tease her a bit
-are you ok? You look hot
- Oh it is nothing. It is really hot in this elevator don't you think?
He he. Yeah baby it is really really hot. If my presence next to you has such effect, then I don't know how you will react in my touch. Let's see how you feel with the thought of a more intimate moment. I slowly go closer to her... to push the elevator button and she reacts like a schoolgirl. Omg this is so funny. She doesn't look at me anymore. She is looking at the floor... she is so shy. Very different reaction from what I have used to... Let's help her. I take my smartphone and I pretend that I don't notice her. Maybe she will feel more comfortable again.
I tell her to follow me cause the club is near and we go on foot. We arrive at the Starlite. I leave her alone with Lisa for a moment cause I have a phone call to make. When I see them again they have problem passing the guards.
- They are with me
Yeah girl I may "save" you here but don't look at me like that. I am not your prince charming... maybe your big bad wolf...
They go inside. I stay here to make some last phone calls about work. When I go inside the club is full of young sexy women but for some strange reason I have eyes only for her. I seat next to Matt and he leaves to make a phone call. Baby you are all mine. Does she feel intimidated by me? Why she avoids looking at me. Come on I know you can't resist me. It was obvious at the elevator... ooo I can't just seat here. I want to feel her body next to mine. And what is the best way to do this?? Mmm dancing time baby. I go to the dance floor and I convince her to follow me. When I feel that she starts getting comfortable I spin her and I come real close to her. Oh God I can sense her perfume. I have my head on her neck. I want so much to kiss her, but I can't it is too early. She works with me. It will be too complicate. Before I realize it I whisper to her ear
-mmm you look delicious
Oh fuck. I shouldn't have said it. It is the impact of her on me. I can't resist. I can see from her reaction that I may have the same impact on her too. We are going to have so much fun girl. It has been a while that I had a relationship with someone from the office and I remember that I said never again but somehow it looks totally different this time. Cassidy was just for sex, at least from my part. But Claire seems so different, so innocent. I want to stay away from her. I don't deserve her but something is pushing me closer and closer to her. Maybe it is time to fall in love ...who knows!!!  

Is It Love- Gabriel's Point of View Season 1Where stories live. Discover now