Chapter 8 - Side of the Angels

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One day in the next week I get home to find Jim sitting on the sofa smiling giddily to himself, it's rather unnerving.

"Jim, buddy, you're creeping me out." I tell him. He snaps out of his daze and looks at me

"Wow, thanks for sugar coating it." He replies

"That was sugar coating it" I tease. He has nothing to say to this but his actions speak volumes. There is no better way to admit defeat than to flash a certain finger...

"Mature, Jim, really mature." I say, purely to annoy him further, he only sighs and stands up. He stands up and walks towards the phone, a new bounce in his step. This must be really good news I haven't seen him this happy in, well, ever.

He makes a point of making sure that he has my full attention before pressing the answerphone button with so much energy that I am surprised it doesn't break. After the standard "Sorry we aren't in right now, please leave a message."And the piercing beep, I hear

"Hello, this is Amanda Stanley, I am calling to notify you that you - Richard Brook - have been selected for a call back for the children's storytelling. If you would please call the company back we will discuss further arrangements." There is a short pause before Jim, once again, breaks out into a huge smile, which I have no choice but to mimic.


It is now Wednesday, the day of Rich Brook's call back and I can't decide whether or not I am excited. I think I'm more excited by the progression in my plans for beating Sherlock that this will allow for than anything else, it's not like I'm actually looking forward to the job itself.

Pulling up to the building I get a strange sense of déjà vu, it's not every day that you audition to be a professional storyteller, after all. Just like last time, we are in the rented car and wear fake wedding rings, we can't risk being found out. This time we aren't so early and head straight in.

I figure that I may as well have some fun whilst I'm here and saunter off to talk to some of the ladies. I suppose that Angel isn't amused as she soon comes up to me, in the role of Mrs Brooks.

"Rich, darling, why don't you introduce me to your new friends" I scowl at her and look back to the girls, their mouths have dropped into small O's and one of them looks slightly angry. I slowly turn away and take Angel's hand (to keep up the act) and then whisper in her ear

"Thanks for ruining all of the fun." She smiles cheekily and replies

"It was my pleasure." At this I stifle a laugh, maybe it was worth her interrupting me.


I have to wait longer than last time for Jim which I take as a good sign, well, good for him more than me. When he finally does come out there is no happy smile on his face as there was last time, but rather a look of worry. Seeing as there're still others about I have to address him as Rich as I comfort him.

"Did it really go that badly?" I ask once we reach the car.

"Au contraire, mon amie. It went perfectly, I just wanted revenge for spoiling my fun earlier. You're welcome." I sigh in despair, this man is impossible. He begins to tell me his plans so far for destroying Sherlock and I try to remember every word so that I can later dictate this to Mycroft. He says that he wants to 'prove' that Sherlock is a fraud so that if and when he dies, he will die with his reputation ruined. It's a brutal plan but I can't help admire the thought and complexity that has gone into it. He reminds me of me, in some sick and twisted way.

I go to sleep that night wondering if Jim and I really are that different. After all, we are both plotting to destroy a person through manipulation, we just had different victims in mind. In Jim's words I am on the side of the angels, and he is not. That perhaps this, though, is the extent of our differences. It is a terrifying thought but that doesn't stop it from plaguing my mind.

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