Part 1:mummy and daddy

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Jade's P.O.V:


"Mummy was wight(right) you're nothin like my owd (old) daddy" Julia said while hugging Harry

"How about you wait here until we go sign some papers and then we can go buy some ice cream and get a puppy if you want ok?"

"Yay!!thank you so much I wowve(love) you"julia said

We signed the papers and now her name is Julia styles

We finished the ice cream and went to buy her a puppy she chose a golden retriever and she called him twix

**end of flashback**

The ride home was silent until Harry broke the silence

"So Julia can u tell us a bit about yourself?"he asked her and she nodded

"My name is juwia I'm two my birthday is 23rd of decembew and I like puppies" she said with her cute baby voice

And silence filled the air again but if wasn't an awkward silence it was a good silence

I turned around and saw that Julia is asleep "AWW"i whispered and looked at Harry who was smiling

When we got home I took her small suitcase and Harry carried her to our bedroom since her room isn't ready yet so I followed him upstairs to our room so I can put her suitcase there and Harry can put her on the bed

"Hey jade?"harry said

"Hmm?"I said

"I think we should call the girls to come first alone and then we could tell her about the guys since she's afraid of men ok?"he said

"Of course hold on I'll go call them"

Ja(jade) p(perrie) j(jesy) L(Leigh)

Ja:hello girls

P:hey poopey

J:hey babygirl

L:hey jadeypoo

Ja:can you come over?

P:is every thing ok??

Ja:remember Julia?


Ja:remember when I told u that i want to adopt her....


Ja:well not alone Harry too he calls her his little princess

J,P,L:AWW congrats guys okay we'll come over

P:can zayn come to??

Ja:NO she's terrified of men She got used to harry after I told her that he will never hurt her and that she'll be his little princess

P,J,L:ok then we are on our way bye

Ja:bye see ya

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