Ch.8 A Swirly Flying Thing

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  Instead of going to Mexico, I made my way to Florida. Because I can hardly even speak ENGLISH correctly, let alone Spanish. It surprisingly didn't take that long to get there. I didn't have my phone, but I'd say it was about two hours.
  Now I only had one problem to deal with... I needed a plane. Getting back to Missouri with a car alone would take to long. So I called the only person I knew who could help. "Hey bitch." "Hello to you to, Morgan." "I need you to get me a plane."
  "Hm, a plane you say? Sorry, I don't have one. I only have a swirly flying metal type vehicle." "Yes, exactly. That would be a plane." There was a pause. "What do I get in return?" I checked my pockets.
  "I've got some brownie mix, will that work?" "Sure." I approached my weird friend's house. Velicity always worried about his sanity, because he sat on her one time. "Alright, time to act like a normal ass citizen." I took in a deep breath and let it out.
  Then I walked into his house. "Well if it isn't my favorite thick bitch. Wanna see the swirly flying-" "Yes. The plane." We walked to his backyard, and I finally saw the plane. "You've GOT to be kidding me." The plane was bright pink, with tacky neon flowers on it.
  "Do you have a different one I could use? I mean no offense, but this one's not really..." My god this plane is so revealing, and ugly as fuck." style" "Sorry, my crazy bitch grandma has the other one. Im just waiting for the day that my snake, Octavia can finally end her."
  "Yeah, don't forget to let me borrow her once she can eat people. My papa can be such a prick sometimes." I looked the plane over again. There was NO WAY I was going ANYWHERE in THAT! I sat down in the seat. "I can't believe I'm actually using this peice of shit."
  I looked at all of the controls in front of me. "Alright. Video game powers, don't fail me now." It took me a while, but I finally got the plane up in the air. "Yes! How's that for a delinquent like me!?" I patted the plane. "That's right. You're MY bitch!" The plane shifted, and I quickly went back to focusing.
  It wasn't easy though, with all of the questions running through my mind. Which moment would I find my power at? When would Max stop going after me? And mostly... Did Andy miss me as much as I missed him? My heart sunk, and a stray tear slid down my cheek.
  I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. No. I couldn't afford being weak, not now. Not when Andy needed me most. "I've got a bitches' ass to wreck." I pushed a button, and the plane sped up. Max may have Andy trapped now, but he won't after I'm done with him.
  Velicity suggested that I took a different approach, and tried to trick him. But that's for wimpy crybabies. I landed the plane not so gracefully. As in I jumped out just before it crash landed. I coughed in the dust filled air. "Damn, some fucking plane you are."
  I kicked it's remaining parts. "Damn fucking cunt!" I grabbed me hurt toe and jumped around. Then I punched the remains. I breathed in and out, and closed my eyes. I was losing focus again on what mattered. Why was I so useless!?
  I made my way out of the woods. Looking and feeling like a monster. Maybe it was because this was my true self, or because Andy took a part of me when he left. But I was pretty sure it was because, I was done fucking around with Max.
  My hair was covered in dirt along with my clothes, and chances were my makeup was messed up to. I burst through the back doors of his house. Max wasn't there, so he had to have been in one of his rooms. I opened the first one.
  The one I walked into was where I ate dinner. It was after Max thought I had forgotten about Andy. With sea life under a glass floor, and a glass table with matching chairs. This was the room I had to pretend in. This was the room in which a second felt like a lifetime wasted.
  I quickly left there, and entered one of the three rooms. The first I had entered was the star room. A room much to beautiful for a killer like him. Seeing no one, I walked out. Then I walked to the one across from it. This one was entirely red, with tools everywhere. For many different reasons.
  Most surprisingly, weren't used for killing. I quickly left that room, disgusted by it. Then I finally slowly opened the last door. He was in here, I was sure of it! In the middle of a white room with red splatters everywhere, was him... And Andy.
  Andy was chained to a chair, and gagged. As soon as he saw me, I had expected him to be overcome with joy... But instead I saw something else. I saw fear in his eyes. Before I would've thought it impossible to see him like this, but I was proven wrong.
  Heros don't always win... Sometimes theirs no such thing as a happy ever after. "Ah, if it isn't my Painite. I've missed you love." "I did as you told me Max. I came here, so let him go." "Hm." He held a knife near Andy's cheek. "You know, love. I kind of like him staying here. So give me a reason to let him leave."

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