Chapter 12: Careful Steps

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Roman stood, leaning on his crutches, gazing out his bedroom window. He had a lot of thinking to do. A lot of decisions were supposed to be made by him and he wanted to make them, but he didn't know how. 

Heaving a sigh, he set aside his crutches, leaning them on the wall. His eyes fell to his feet. One foot, his left, was wearing a sock. He wiggled his toes a bit before shifting his gaze to his right foot. Wooden, no toes, no sock. 

He stood on his two feet for a moment before turning to his open bedroom door. Drawing a deep breath, he held it momentarily before letting it all out in a long sigh. 

"I can do this," he whispered to himself as he clenched his fists. 

Slowly, the wooden foot lifted off the floor and cautiously moved forward. Gently, the heel of the wooden foot was set on the floor just inches in front of the other foot. Then, the wooden foot evened out on the floor and the other foot lifted and copied the motion.

steadying himself, Roman stared at his feet, his arms spread out to help keep balance. 

He did this for a while and walked one, careful step at a time, all around his bedroom. 

When he made it from his bed to the far side of the room with almost a normal gait, he couldn't stop the chuckle.

His attention was jerked to the door behind him when he heard something.

Peter. He was leaning on the door frame, clapping. His smile was broader than Roman's. 

"I knew you could do it," Peter declared as he entered the room.

"You knew. I did not."

"But ya did it. All on your own. And ya don't have a bloody nose, so that means ya didn't smack the floor."

They just stood there for a few seconds, smiling and chuckling lightly.

"I've missed that smile," Peter broke the silence. It warmed him to see that Roman had smiled. Roman hadn't smiled since he returned fro Iraq. 

"Met too," Roman almost whispered.

"Wanna go downstairs?" Peter offered.

"Ja. I would love to."

Roman hadn't been downstairs for a long time. He was anxious to get out of his bedroom now that he was on his feet. 

To be continued...


Sorry for such a short chapter! More soon!

God bless.

Your friend,


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