Cat Fight

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After the fight was over I went to go shower. The hot water wasn't really good for my cuts but it helped my sore mussels. I looked down at my bruised body. Cuts crisscrossed over my stomach, and my body was the colors of the black,green,purple and yellow rainbow. I towered myself off and got changed. Right as I put my shirt over my head I heard the door swing open.

" Where is the little bitch"

I heard a voice scream. I immediately recognized it as the blonde girl that was in the ring with me tonight. And judging by her tone she wasn't happy. She stomped up to me with her Sky high heals on and her mini black dress. Ugh can you be anymore slutty? "You" she yelled in her squeaky high voice. I just ignored her. "what?!, have nothing to say, you fight like a bitch thought you have the mouth to go with it" she said cruelly. I just pulled my shirt over my head. I was aware of the. danger of just covering my eyes would bring......

In a blink of an eye she punch me on the stomach.  " THAT SLUT" I thought as I slapped her. It was as if she snapped her fingers, Minnon 1 & 2 were on me like cockroaches. I was outnumbered,  but when has that ever stop me. I punched one in the face and  backhanded the other. The blonde one finally got up the same time as minnon 1 did. I bashed there heads together. They always taunted me with there pretty hair. I  once had pretty hair too,but that changed when I started fighting. I grabbed them by their pretty hairdos. and slammed both of them in the lockers. Minnon 2 was still down from that hit in the face. The blonde

and minnon 2 were down for good. I limped to the sink to drown so ibuprofen. It numbed the pain. I stood up straight and walked out of the locker room not looking back at the bodies huddled on the floor with blood pouring put of them.

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