First day of sophomore year

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"Taylor, get up! We have 2 hours to get ready!!, Maylora yelled from my door.

" I'm up!", i yelled back as i put my head under the sheets.

" Taylor, I'm not kidding! We have to look perfect, it's our first day of actual high-school."

Okay, let me give you some back up information. Maylora is my best-friend from the second grade. Ever since May moved here from North Carolina, we've been inseparable. She's my partner in crime.

Okay, anyways, the whole " it's our first day of actual high-school" thing is actually true. See, at my school we have this thing were freshmen are separated from upper-class-men. Some schools have freshmens maybe in their own part of the high school, but here you are in a completely different school. Anyways, back to the story.

" I haven't even picked out my outfit Maylora, pick it for me?" , I asked hopping she'd just say yes and shut up.

" OMG!! YASSSS, I've been waiting for you to ask me this forever!!", she screamed.

I covered my head with a pillow mostly because the light from the window was too bright for my morning eyes and some for the fact that Maylora scream was so loud, I won't be surprised if we get a noise complaint.

Maylora goes to my closet and looks very focused on trying to decide what i should wear. While she's doing that I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower, because the stink from my morning breath is making me feel like I need to wash everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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