chapter one

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Kojo was taking a nap and suddenly his mother ran in and woke him up. He looked up at her and when he saw the worried expression on her face he asked her what was wrong. She opened her mouth to say something but before any words could come out she was shot. Kojo was shocked. His mother fell to the floor, her blood leaking out of her slowly covering the ground in a deep red. Kojo looked up and the men that had killed his mother looked like nothing Kojo had seen before. They had skin as pale as the petals of a daisy. The men quickly walked up to him and dragged him out of his home. Kojo screamed and tried to get away but they were too strong for him, they were grown men and he was only a 13-year-old boy after all. That was the last time Kojo ever saw his home.

"Daddy!!!" a little boy yelled as he ran into the room. "Is daddy sad?" the little boy asked. "No, son." Kojo responded, smiling at his child. "I made cookies!" A beautiful woman said. Kojo and his son walked to the kitchen where the cookies were. "Our wedding anniversary is coming soon" Kojo said to his wife with a big smile on his face. "you're right, what are you going to do about that?" She replied. "You'll see next month." Kojo said. Kojo went back to sit down in his chair in the living room. He went back to thinking about his past. He went back to thinking about his journey to America. 

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