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❝Ⓜⓘⓝ, ⓒ'ⓜⓔⓡⓔ

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Ⓜⓘⓝ, ⓒ'ⓜⓔⓡⓔ.

It was raining, the sky was crying in displeasure and uneasiness, same as Jimin. He sat on Hoseoks' Comfy couch with Tae and Kook. Whimpering softly when he saw lighting and heard a large cracking in the sky. He hated storms.

It wasn't even supposed to be like this the forecast was crystal clear, but man he wish he didn't trust the news. It was just Tae, Kook and Min, in the house- his hyung and the other hyungs' went out earlier when the sky was a pretty blue.

His hyung said to them before him and the others left was, 'Watch tv and chill we'll be back soon just going to get some food. I'll make sure to buy you some snacks. ' after saying that sentence he pecked the younger lightly atop of the head, and ruffling it before exited the door.

So here that sat- Jungkook sprawled over Jimin, Taehyung on top of Jungkook- legs tangled together, both cuddling and soothing the older, it was a very awkward position. But they'll try everything if it would get the pink hair' boy to stop crying.

"It's okay Minnie, it'll stop. " Tae said, Brushing his fingers through Mins hair whilst Kook, Peppers the eldest one with kisses in order to make him less afraid, Jimin just whimpers, warm tears running ferociously down his chubby cheeks, he hiccups as another loud noise sounds across the sky- it sounded like a thousand of fireworks going off at once.

"Hyung, I want Yoongi hyung, " The boy cries , by now he's already having a hard time controlling his breathing, "Breathe min, breathe, " Kook instructs rubbing soothing circles on the skin. "I'll call him, " Tae- the blond says, standing up and walking towards his- kookies hoodie, removing his phone the pocket, briefly admiring the snake like case before, unlocking it. Going into the contacts scrolling through he hears another whimper and hard cries from Jimin.

Clicking the contact name 'Snow😣', the phone starts to dial. It rings a total of two times before someone picks up. "Hello, " A male says on the other side, "Yoongi hyung. " Tae says, and a ripple of thunder sounds through the sky. Jimin starts to cry hard and loud, loud enough for Yoongi to hear it on the other side.

"Tae what's wrong?" Yoongi question, slightly panicking cause his mochi is crying. "It's storming," The blond said, he didn't need to say anymore because Yoongi knew what he meant - after all he can see it clearly through the car window. "Put him on the phone, " the elder softly says, pushing his long piano fingers through his hair.

"Hyung, " Jimin whines through the phone, hiccuping and breathing heavily. " It's okay min, " the oldest tells the younger "We're almost there, okay it'll be alright, " he announces, as the voice of Dean plays smoothly in the background, it was a song of which the youngest identifies as Bonnie and Clyde.

He absolutely loved that song, he also loves the way his hyung voice warms his shaking body, talking to him comforting and Allowing him to forget that there's a storm going on.

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