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Prompt: Peter realizes something about his height. (Also, they've returned after summer break.)

Peter couldn't believe it! He was finally taller than MJ. She still hasn't noticed. She does notice that he keeps giving her sly smirks. To which she replies with a raised eyebrow and a quizzical look. She decided to take action. "Ok, Peter! What's up with you?" She asks him at lunch. "I had no idea what you're talking about." He says with closed eyes and a small smile. She gives him a glare. Ned slightly laughs, but disguises it as coughing. She turns to glare at him, which makes him laugh more. "Alrighty then." She says with a smirk. She runs to the other side of the table and grabs his arm. She tugs him along to the hall. "Tell me what's going on." She says. "Nothing." He says and crosses his arms. She glares up at him. Wait. Up?! She gasps slightly and gapes at him. "You. You." She points up at him. "Me. Me." He mocks her. "Y-you're tall?" She says, as more of a question. "Yes, I know. How do you mean?" He asks with a smirk. "I-I'm even wearing heels! You're taller than me!" She exclaims, looking at his chest with wide eyes. His chest! His eyes widen and he looks at her feet. "To be fair, they're not much of a heel." He says, pointing at her feet. She feels like she's going to faint. "A-Are you ok MJ?" He asks, reaching out to hold her arm. "I-I'm fine. Thanks." She says. He let's go of her. Then she sees a flash of red. And black web designs. She sits down. "Are you sure you're ok?" He asks her. "That could just be, like, a hoodie or something? No, it wasn't a hoodie." She thinks. He kneels in front of her. "MJ, I'm only taller than you! It's not that big!" He exclaims. "Y-you're taller than me, and Spider-Man?" She whispers. His eyes widen. "Oh shi-."  

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